Example sentences of "the [noun prp] was [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The CGT was far and away the most powerful union federation .
2 Subjects given pre-exposure to the CS in the test context ( group LI same in the figure ) acquired the CR slowly compared with the control group for whom the CS was novel and with a group of subjects ( LI diff ) that had experienced the CS previously in a different context .
3 Andropov died early , but Chernenko 's sickly reign in the Kremlin was brief and when Andropov 's protégé , Gorbachev , came to power he was even less sympathetic towards Ceauşescu than his patron had been .
4 Backbencher Mr Sijaona stated that the TBC was uneconomic and recommended that a committee of enquiry be set up to examine possible alternatives .
5 She prayed that the landlord of the Swan was right and that she only had a mile or two to cover .
6 Spectrum denies the EGM was illegal and says existing shareholders can not sell shares to outsiders without first offering them to inside investors .
7 The bonnet of the Peugeot was cold as she leaned against it trembling .
8 The uprising continued along the same lines as the bread riots which had been rife in Russia at that time and so the Tsarina was worried but thinks everything will be alright and informed the Tsar , who was away inspecting troops , to this effect .
9 Like its owner , the Rover was large and upright .
10 Randall , for example , had a rather starchy personality , while Alderman Lewis , the ex-trade unionist chairman of the Midlands was rough and loquacious : they had no personal rapport .
11 The Anarkali was dark and quiet and a lot of the light was coming from the candle between us .
12 When the told the Shah he could not find anyone to serve under him , the Shah was astonished and asked " Why " ?
13 At the same time a majority of 23 per cent of Labour partisans claimed the BBC was pro-Conservative and anti-Labour .
14 By the end of the campaign a majority of 12 per cent amongst Conservatives claimed the BBC was anti-Conservative and even more claimed it was pro-Labour .
15 Andrew Clark of the Derby and Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce ( which has been closely involved with the Toyota deal ) said that the UK was attractive because of ‘ the corporate climate brought about by this Government .
16 Travel in the UK was unlimited though a case had to be made for every European exhibition other than the Venice Biennale and the Kassel Documenta , and most trips to the United States had to be funded privately or tied in with a conference or some other event that would cover the cost of the trip .
17 A Turkish national living in Monaco on a Canadian passport , Haser had somehow attracted the attention of the Monte Carlo police and the CIA was nervous that if the arms operation had been blown , he might expose the agency 's role in it .
18 The Bookman was frightened and helpless .
19 In 1862 the Mercury was appalled that one drunken excess had continued at a public house until seven in the morning !
20 The R/T was bad and I thought he said ‘ below you ’ so I concentrated on that section of the sky almost exclusively , leaving it to Dick to watch above us .
21 Marion , a ripely handsome woman in her mid-thirties , who had played a season at Stratford-on-Avon and toured as Mrs Tanqueray , was extremely displeased at having to share Jessie , let alone a dressing-room , and particularly with a chit like Bunty ; but the Regent was small and naturally the two Star dressing-rooms , 1 and 2 , went to Salt and Pepper , that perennial and professionally married pair of comedy-thriller performers whose productions never ran for less than a year — a godsend in a profession where rehearse for three weeks , open and close in two was not unusual .
22 But as to who comprised the nation , or the people , the Abbe was clear that it did not include everyone :
23 Prior to this study the ESRC was aware that it is responsible for probably no more than 10 to 20 per cent of social science support in higher education .
24 The Rose-Noelle was well-equipped as Mr Glennie had set off to start a new life cruising the South Pacific .
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