Example sentences of "the [noun prp] be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the nineteenth century the Guernsey was described as native to Alderney , Sark and Herm as well as Guernsey and was still kept pure by restrictions on imports .
2 A man who throws in his job as a bank manager for life as a fisherman in the Orkneys is seen as individual-minded .
3 We have already acknowledged that latent inhibition can be expected only when the CS is identified as being the same as the pre-exposed stimulus .
4 Around 5% of the Auvergne is designated as Zone de Piedmont and this consists mainly of the foothills and uplands transitional between the lower lying land areas and the mountain proper .
5 The RMCs were seen as perhaps the major vehicle for such provision and it is encouraging that they are beginning to make a substantial contribution by developing a wide range of in-service short courses and workshops , which in some areas are showing signs of laying the foundation for longer qualification-based programmes .
6 For its first season the driver and guard of the Gondola were dressed as Venetian gondoliers , much to the amusement of the other platform staff .
7 He claimed too that the Reeve is presented as indicting the Miller for a judgement he does not make , i.e. that he had criticized the Reeve for being over-ready to see himself as a priest , the agent of God 's punishment , through John 's naive readiness to see himself as a second Noah .
8 That is to say , is it not the case that a religion in which the Godhead is represented as male , or central to which is a male human being , necessarily acts as an ideology which is biased against half of humanity ?
9 The Rockies are touted as having guaranteed snow .
10 Admittedly war with the USSR was seen as only a distant possibility .
11 The US dollar and the euro-currency markets were the main providers of additional liquidity , and therefore liquidity provided by the IMF was regarded as unnecessary or even potentially inflationary .
12 The cabinet moved into a position of greater power and control unchecked by the legislature , and the Commons was seen as having lost most of its powers because of the informal reality of party in government .
13 " In a joint Anglo-American paper on the crises , the Shah was described as " well-meaning , naturally well disposed towards Britain and the US , aware of the Communist danger , but vacillating and weak .
14 This led to an invasion of courting couples in his doorway , looking at the wonderments of the bright peep , and the Trongate being described as ‘ among the best-lit streets in Europe ’ .
15 While there is no convincing evidence that the TNCs can bring salvation to the Third World , in many poor countries the TNCs are seen as responsible for the only bright spots in the economy and society .
16 The events surrounding the creation of the PDS were regarded as having illustrated the difficulties awaiting Italy 's second-largest party in any bid to present a convincing challenge to the Christian Democrats ( CD ) through new alliances with the PSU , independent leftists or radical Catholics .
17 In making such an appraisal , the MMC is not limited to competition questions , but is supposed to consider all factors which appear relevant : the balanced distribution of industry and employment in the UK is listed as relevant and , in the past , the MMC has also examined the effect on the balance of payments and on imports .
18 a proposed meeting between officers of the Board and the LEA was cancelled as the county council had no clear policy over adult educational provision and the only result of the proposal was confirmation of the LEA 's existing policy of specific grant-aid .
19 The free trade agreement with the US is seen as significant , and UK publishers with American English lists look set to benefit .
20 He refers to latent inhibition training as producing a CS-US association , the US being described as consisting of ‘ no event ’ ( see also Hall et al .
21 The SPRs were investigated as they arrived , and one or more answering SSRs has been completed and returned to the originators of the SPRs , as well as to other users where appropriate .
22 He is empowered to authorize the use of these powers to a properly constituted body and the RP is seen as fulfilling this role .
23 Of course , the information they glean is of little value if the Goblin is pulverised as he impacts with the ground .
24 The Smiths are acknowledged as writing with sensitivity , depth and intelligence and the suggestion that they are cashing in on a tragedy at the expense of causing grief to the relatives of its victims is absolutely untrue .
25 The growing indebtedness of the USA is regarded as unacceptable because it is draining savings away from other , less prosperous economies .
26 Japan 's security treaty with the USA was reported as being one of a number of issues upon which full agreement had yet to be reached .
27 The areas outside the MELAs were treated as ‘ unclassified ’ but , although there is only the crudest correspondence between these zones and the rural areas of Britain , the results of the analysis do give some indication of the extent of commuter hinterlands .
28 Split-half reliability for the BPVT is reported as between 0.75 and 0.85 for items in the short form , and between 0.70 and 0.95 for items in the long form .
29 The Joker was used as as the top card and the subject discarded this on the ‘ go ’ signal .
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