Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [coord] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I remember wandering with Donald somewhere in the East End after we 'd been to the Whitechapel and we saw a group of teddies standing round two middle-aged Indians .
2 We usually sourced from Olympic in the States but we had to start looking elsewhere .
3 They came on the Friday and we signed the damned papers , did n't we , and they took away my social security book .
4 No we did n't we sent him back in the February and we came back in er at the end of July so he was
5 The present Prime Minister would be unable to come out of No. 10 Downing street and say , ’ We are standing by the constitution of the USSR and we condemn the coup as unconstitutional . ’
6 Trepper was interrogated by the Gestapo and we believed he became a double agent , a lot of misinformation was received in Moscow . ’
7 Andy 's wife Caroline is in the Alps and we talk enviously of her good fortune .
8 I took David Bowie and one or two of the other students to the BBC and we did it .
9 Salaries over here are not dissimilar to the UK and we have no obligation to provide housing , however , what does sting is the level of social security payments .
10 The actuarial profession has its earliest origins in the UK and we have a clear objective of communicating with our professional colleagues in other countries .
11 In recent years we have devoted substantial resources to reorganising our education systems in the UK and we see this continuing .
12 So Wendy came on the Wednesday and we got going with all the office work here .
13 In fact , one particular evening we managed to get all twenty-one residents across there , plus some of the people from the Lodge and we had a lovely evening .
14 We look at families like the Huxleys , the Darwins and the Russells and we begin to wonder .
15 I remember because in nineteen thirty eight , er we were scheduled to have an opening in about the September and we got a team coming down to play us at football and we were going to have a social evening , darts and that , at , in the evening and of course at that particular time , the war was a definite threat .
16 In 1988 , I was producing a major women 's conference at the Barbican and we needed a big bank of flowers .
17 But , our union always stay at the Claremont and we 've always found it , you know , okay .
18 we 'll walk down the road at the back and we 'd only just turned round the corner from the Claremont and we found this restaurant and it was , it was an absolutely brilliant chef , really nice restaurant , really high quality and it was was quite reasonable price , it was n't cheap .
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