Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [coord] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 now this is an old rumour and er , he was an officer , er I think in the RAF and he had erm an accident his plane crashed and he died and this is why she dresses in military uniform all the time sort , you know she went a little bit deranged
2 So he had the Sierra and he said I do n't know whether he 'll want it for , it could be sort of three or four weeks if they 're gon na repair his car or if we can get one within the company like at another depot obviously they 'll get that for him rather than hire one off you .
3 John , he went up to John 's house , John come and picked up and they back to John 's and John come back to the Phoenix and he had , you know the umbrella things ?
4 so anyway he went right on until the Saturday and he said look , on the Friday they called us in and they said look we 're gon na take him to the ward I 'm afraid there 's nothing else we can do , just deteriorating and he said there 's no
5 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
6 but anyhow it , well they , they were there and he bought the pub did n't he and they were moving on the Saturday and he came on the Saturday morning and he cried take the furniture to pieces , some of the furniture , the wardrobes and there was a dining room table that they could n't get into the pub , could I dismantle them and re-assemble them again and that was the first time I 'd ever met him were n't I ?
7 The train was n't late , and he got in , choosing as was his habit a seat on the side with a view of the sea , for the track ran along the Adriatic and he liked to have it in sight , the elating expanse , ringing bright in the sun .
8 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
9 His ring record alone demanded the attention of the BBBC and he believed that : ‘ It was through public opinion that I eventually got a title .
10 This was certainly a strange case , but he had not known the Pitts and he saw plenty of messy deaths .
11 Ken Wolstenholme was never really lost to football after he left the Beeb and he commentated for a time on ITV 's Tyne Tees station and recently worked for Tottenham 's Clubcall line .
12 ‘ We , the ten members of the board of management , believe that John Birt is the best person to lead the BBC and he has our unanimous support . ’
13 ‘ We , the ten members of the board of management , believe that John Birt is the best person to lead the BBC and he has our unanimous support . ’
14 Third did he ? the first which was the Sunday and he had to get it ready because they were coming in on the Tuesday , on the third .
15 They both , I rang Dave back on the Sunday and he said they both wan na do it so took it !
16 When he was asked why he himself did not become one , he replied that all men wanted to be Senators but he did not ; he did not want to be the same as other men who were as the uncoloured cloth of the Toga but he wished to be the red , that small and brilliant portion which causes the rest to be comely and beautiful .
17 Even after I mean , as I say , we went out on the Wednesday and he said , all I need is for you to do this book again for me .
18 There 's a nice story about my , one of my favourite presidents , I told you last time , Theodore Roosevelt , Roosevelt got very frustrated with congress so he sent the American navy , he had no money , they would n't give him any money , so he sent the American navy to the Philippines and he said to congress if you want them back again you 'd better vote some more money cos they have n't got any fuel erm which is a fairly odd way of proceeding one might think .
19 The gaunt woman head-butted the Campbell and he vanished beneath the counter .
20 He asked me if I was sure I was n't working up some kind of plot against the Threarah and he got awfully angry and suspicious .
21 With the departure of Schmidt and Herbert Wehner from the political scene in 1983 , Brandt , the party chairman , was once again the leading force in the SPD but he failed to control the left .
22 this was on the Thursday and he said er we 'll leave him on the
23 He had spent several years in the Sudan and he gave us a tip : ‘ Never take a taxi there , ’ he said , ‘ without fixing the price for the journey before you get in . ’
24 He freely acknowledged that responsibility for the development in rural areas of Essex would lie with the RAC but he invited the resident tutor to expand , if he so wished , his activities into existing WEA centres at Chelmsford , Harwich , Dovercourt and Silver End .
25 Jack is a founder member of the BCRS and he has addressed the members twice on Agriculture and the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
26 He had only a few hundred yards to go as the house he was planning to visit was also in the Vomero but he did not wish to arrive with perspiration on his forehead or dust on his shoes .
27 He 's involved in the deception about the Durances and he admits abducting Barbara Coleman .
28 Prof Halloran is a long-standing colleague of the WACC and he coordinated the research for WACC 's major study on the mass media and village life in India .
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