Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [noun sg] [is] at " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore clear that the distinction between the different ‘ pillars ’ of the Maastricht Treaty is at best intended to be temporary and at worst is wholly meaningless .
2 The Thera Foundation is at .
3 The Manila stockmarket is at an all-time high ; yet electricity power-cuts in the country last an average of eight hours a day .
4 The Heinz Gallery is at 21 Portman Square , London W1 and is open Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m .
5 In UK schools , the BBC-B microcomputer is at present the most popular model used and such a system including microcomputer dual disk drive , monitor and printer will cost around £1300 .
6 To say that the UK economy is at a crossroads suggests that it is a time for important decisions to be taken leading to a change in direction .
7 Deindustrialization , on whatever basis it is assessed , has prompted discussion over whether we are now in the midst of a period of major structural change , whether the UK economy is at some kind of turning-point .
8 The Society 's slot at the Barbican Festival is at 2.15 p.m. on Sunday 28 May Do come — Dressed to work and support us in the ‘ Come and try it ’ session and cheer the NDT on .
9 Mind you , the evidence for the past seven years of the Clarke genius is at last collected on an album that , like the Pet Shop Boys ' ‘ Disco ’ , knows where it came from and is chuffed about it .
10 The inaugural meeting of the Darlington group is at 8pm at 10 Pentland Grove , Darlington .
11 By John Roman Baker , comprising Crying Celibate Tears , The Ice Pick and Freedom to Party , these award-winning plays explore man 's relation to man in a time of crisis , where the war against the HIV virus is at is fiercest .
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