Example sentences of "the [noun pl] put in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Men were also in demand for fetching and carrying At a suitable moment after the meal a plate or basket was passed round each table and the guests put in their subscriptions .
2 The card belonged to the bank who issued it under a Credit Agreement , regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , to those who gave what they considered satisfactory answers to the questions put in their application forms .
3 It was your precious brother who stole customers away from papa , took the profits to put in his own pocket .
4 One idea I had was to get the teddy bears to do the ‘ hokey cokey ’ [ p.67 ] with the children putting in their teddies ' left arms and shaking them about .
5 One lawyer cited one of the first such cases to be heard in Scotland : ‘ At one point the tribunal took the case by the scruff of the neck and told the claimants to put in their claim within 14 days and gave the other side the same amount of time for their defences .
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