Example sentences of "the [noun pl] that [pron] want " in BNC.

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1 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
2 At the beginning of each week she read through the Radio Times and TV Times and ringed the programmes that she wanted to see .
3 Paris , Milan , Amsterdam , Stuttgart , Lyons , Copenhagen , and , above all in 1992 , Barcelona , are the cities that everybody wants to emulate .
4 If we now adopt Grice 's meaning-nn as the scope of meaning in the definition of pragmatics in ( 9 ) , we shall include most of the phenomena that we want to include , like the ironic , metaphoric and indirect implications of what we say ( elements 5 , 6 and 7 in Table I.I ) , and exclude the unintended inferences that intuitively have no part to play in a theory of communication .
5 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
6 The o , the only thing I 'm doing now is the subjects that I want to do
7 Now just specify the variables that you want in this regression , right , your dependent variable first okay when you 've specified the equation , sorry once you specify the equation press the end key which is between the alphabetic and the numeric key pads , that will then submit that request , right .
8 It could be extended to look even longer , and presented with the words that we wanted to give you ‘ a small gift ’ or a gift ‘ big enough for two ’ .
9 Statutory advisers from the conservation bodies all gave us a list of the areas that they wanted included and , for the most part , we followed those lists in so far as they agreed with one another .
10 We are basically settled on the areas that we want to service .
11 In 1977 , he bought passage from the USSR by ‘ donating ’ to the Tretyakov all the paintings from the collections that they wanted ; the remaining ones he took with him to Greece and retirement .
12 In a self-service store you choose the goods that you want .
13 The principles that we want are no discrimination , a closer approach to the market , consideration of more environmental matters at the centre of the European Community and a sensible CAP that is designed to support efficient farmers and the proper backing of the rural economy .
14 I had n't bought any tea and there was an Alan Freeman radio programme on the story of the Kinks that I wanted to listen to .
15 None of us can remember everyone we 've met , everything we 've done , and yet most can store away in their memory the things that we want to remember .
16 It is clear that , as the world becomes wealthier and other countries start to want the things that we want , there is a danger that we shall produce more and more waste .
17 Chairman chairman there seem to be when I looked at it there seem to a number of headings here that I could n't account for and I 've asked the chair of the finance committee , she could n't account for them either , and I think it 's , whilst I understand the reasons for going and I 'm sure we would have approved them , I think it 's actually quite important that all these small sums , wh when you add them up over this erm over this month and you look at them , are quite large over the budget that we have have already adopted and the things that we wanted to do , and it concerns me that some of these things which are maybe very sensible , actually reduce our effectiveness of doing things that the council 's agreed that they are going to do this year and next year , the seventy six pounds here , the thirty pounds later on , fifty four pounds for large thorn plants et cetera , et cetera , and a hundred and fifty pounds over the budget on the Christmas lights .
18 The opposite was true in his perception and so it was necessary to work with this widower helping him say out loud the things that he wanted to say to his wife — all the uncomplimentary and difficult things — and then , having done that , to begin grieving for the lost relationship .
19 It is surprising how many of the things that you want to draw are symmetrical in this way .
20 This box is going back into the cupboard with the things that you want to keep .
21 You 've got your questions and of course I could answer them Nicodemus I could tell the why 's and the wherefore 's of this , and of that , I could give you all the details and all the the the things that you want to know but , they 're not really important the real issue for you , Nicodemus , is that you have got to be born again !
22 I 've put a list up erm for the things that I want for my birthday .
23 Then I got the things that I wanted from the ship .
24 I know the questions that I want to raise but the optimum answers are far from clear .
25 So each month they 've got ta put , each branch have got ta put on plus nine between now and December and that should translate itself if the theory works erm to the figures that we want .
26 These were obviously the pages that she wanted .
27 ‘ In the beginning , Freddie did n't have all the powers that he wanted to have as a vocalist ; he worked to achieve those and improved as he worked over the years .
28 I appreciate the courtesy of the hon. Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) in giving notice of the details that he wanted to raise .
29 Having received three quotes from three different companies , I wanted the company chosen to agree that they would n't exceed a certain price and they have confirmed that the mower we 've chosen will not exceed eighteen thousand six hundred and sixty eight pounds and this is for everything , this is the mower including the new cab erm and all the fittings that we wanted included on mower .
30 Most of the files that I wanted to see were either closed for 75 years or were ‘ retained by the department ’ , which effectively closes them forever .
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