Example sentences of "the [noun pl] be [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of the checks was in what we thought was no man 's land , a rocky valley with the odd bush here and there .
2 After making findings of fact which are broadly summarised in the second paragraph of this judgment the board determined , inter alia : ( 1 ) that the fees derived from the sub-licencing were sourced in the countries in which the sub-licensees were by their contracts entitled to exercise the particular rights and ( 2 ) that the 1981 agreement vested in the taxpayer rights over intangible property , which rights could only be exercised outside Hong Kong .
3 People hooked on horoscopes sometimes refuse to try for good jobs because the signs are against them .
4 The signs are in his new budget , which while characterised as ‘ freezing ’ domestic spending , actually pumps huge new sums into basic research ( New Scientist , 3 February , p 290 ) .
5 Gosh , what wags The Shamen are with their record ‘ Take Drugs , They 're Great ’ .
6 The ritual of the whitewashing ( or limewashing , as Harry calls it ) the houses was in itself a method of pest control .
7 The houses were behind her now , and the lane stretched ahead bounded by high bare hedges .
8 They also insinuate that relatives of the prisoners are on their lists .
9 Once they were a couple of miles from the Manor , where the woods were at their most impenetrable , she reined in Moonbeam and drew to a halt in a little glade .
10 The massive door gave way , and the Russians were upon them , stumbling through the debris , some falling to the defenders ' final volley .
11 God 's purposes will be fulfilled , but the times are in his hands .
12 No wonder that she and Charles felt that they led a charmed life , that the times were on their side .
13 My health , I am feeling strong and looking confident on the outside , so you must try and feel it on the inside oh dear the planets are on your side this week for love , needless to say
14 Another significant difference between the groups was in their responses to speaker 6 , an adult Jamaican speaking Jamaican Standard English with its characteristic accent , devoid of Creole features .
15 Why do you think it is that that you get erm that you have got quite a few girls that become prostitutes , what do you think the reasons are for it ?
16 My managers are poncing about like gigolos and the secretaries are beside themselves with jealousy . ’
17 All the animals are in their cages , but they do n't seem to have very much space , and some of them have n't been fed properly for a long time .
18 At midnight , when , as the carol says , the animals were on their knees , I crept to the cot and put my pillowcase offering for the little fatherless one .
19 The pictures are in my head should they never end up on paper .
20 In practice , there are no limits as to the pictures a magazine can publish of a naked woman ( ‘ We would start to take an interest if the pictures were of what you might term kinky sex — bondage and so on , ’ says the Scotland Yard officer ) ; yet only the mildest pictures of naked men get into high-street newsagents .
21 Soon the drivers are in their stride and enjoying every minute of it .
22 The lads were in their tent , reading , when Mick broke the silence .
23 The rods are on their way to Sellafield where the uranium will be recovered for future use .
24 The lakes were at their lowest levels for 20 years , and Chew was lower than I can ever remember .
25 If the fans are around it 'll be your job this evening to keep them away ! ’ he argued , his eyes dancing with amusement as he took in her affronted expression .
26 Johnson , who has presided over eight matches since Cambridge dismissed controversial manager John Beck , said : ‘ I know for a fact the players and the fans are behind me .
27 Gareth Hall was an emergency left back and the fans were on his back when he miskicked a ball .
28 ‘ I think the more arrogant or full of themselves they are , the more they think the songs are about them .
29 pounds a week , you know , you know the kids are off your hand pounds a week would pay your , would just cover your er your food bill .
30 The guards were above us and we always had good warning of their approach down the little staircase to the iron door .
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