Example sentences of "the [noun pl] be under the " in BNC.

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1 As Antony and Cleopatra has it , ‘ Music of the hautboys is under the stage ’ .
2 Meanwhile at Thorey Island , one of the groups is under the charge of Corporal Alison Miller , Whose civilian job is as a secretary , but at weekends she becomes a Women 's Royal Army Corps Provost NCO .
3 Many of the reopenings were under the ‘ Speller ’ rule : Tony Speller 's 1981 Bill made it possible for services to reopen experimentally without the need to go through the formal closure procedures in the event of failure .
4 Opposition Members and all the organisations which were present at the proceedings were under the clear impression that all affirmative orders would be the subject of a separate debate so that these very important matters could be gone through line by line , if necessary .
5 The church is reflected in the water The trees are " " " " The flowers are under the trees The trees are both sides of the river The path is along the right bank of the river The church is on the right side of the river The church is in the distance Paragraph : The picture is of a river with trees on both sides , and with flowerbeds under the trees .
6 The stores were under the other sheds , what was left of them .
7 He thought the others were under the plane somewhere , but he did not know where .
8 ‘ Of course there are such hospitals , and the twins are under the supervision of a clinic right now , but I believe they need extraordinary help . ’
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