Example sentences of "the [noun pl] back to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Several hundred Kurds picketed the Home Office in protest at the continuing detentions and the deportations back to Turkey where they are said to face oppression and torture .
2 It 's smashing walking along this track because it 's firm underfoot and the views back to Malham and over to Great Scar and Attermire are worth nine out of ten in anybody 's book .
3 The US flew in CH-47 Chinook helicopters to transport the prisoners back to Saudi Arabia .
4 The group nurses the animals back to health at Rossett , near Chester , before finding a good home for them .
5 The group nurses the animals back to health at Rossett , near Wrexham , before finding a good home for them .
6 He may well have been scorned , he may well have lost his job bad word may have got back to Rome , they may have sent the telegrams back to Caesar telling him all about Pilate , but it was n't sufficient reason for him rejecting Christ .
7 Subsequently , perhaps in 418 , perhaps in 419 , a new treaty brought the Visigoths back to Aquitaine .
8 The presidential election of 1952 brought the Republicans back to power for the first time in 20 years .
9 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
10 But can I take the questions back to Jimmy please and continue .
11 The Falkland Isles were first occupied by the British in March 1765 , but a Spanish expedition from Buenos Aires , in 1770 , initially expelled the British , but Spain surrendered the Isles back to Britain , in January 1771 , after the threat of war .
12 Culley handed the glasses back to Mathers .
13 If you are imitating Card No. 1 on your graph paper , this will be easily apparent and do not forget that you will have to return any selected needles at the edges back to B position .
14 The carriage will knit , bringing the needles back to B position as it does so .
15 Bring the palms back to shoulder height , turn the palms to face down and then , as you breathe out , push the palms down and then let them rest at your sides .
16 Finally , we 've got to bring the players back to earth a bit , but two absolute cracking games to look forward to in the next couple of weeks ; Oldham next week , probably the best footballing side in the second division , and away to Swindon the week after , so still a lot to look forward to although disappointment at going out of the Cup .
17 There will have been some satisfied smiles on the buses back to Bolton last night .
18 ‘ Let me check the flights back to London for you .
19 Despite taking the lead with a long range volley from Nick Pickering , Huddersfield scored three times to take the points back to Yorkshire .
20 This type of view is very prevalent amongst black sportsmen , though some even trace the causes back to Africa , an environment which was thought to foster physical abilities useful for running fast , jumping far and being strong .
21 Jonadab sent the men back to Aumery Park , noting that the snow had stopped and the coming evening was bright and crisp .
22 Newco can then lease the assets back to Target in return for rental payments from Target , against which Newco can set any available writing down allowances in respect of the expenditure incurred in acquiring the assets and interest payments on its borrowings .
23 He brought the dollars back to Jamaica and converted them into Jamaican dollars at the black market rate .
24 They have no power to take the children back to school .
25 In the cottage he dumped her none too gently in one of the armchairs before the fire , pausing only to stir the embers back to life before stamping out towards the kitchen .
26 That Cheetah has the name ‘ Bert ’ engraved on it as a permanent memorial to Bert Mason who has worked unstintingly on bringing the Cheetahs back to life and had worked at 42 AS during the war years .
27 ‘ Come off it ! ’ she would exclaim , her tough realism bringing the boys back to earth .
28 Next year Mr Sheher , who runs karate classes throughout the North of England , hopes to bring the competitions back to Whitby .
29 The governments of nuclear-armed countries rightly perceive this as a threat to their defence strategies and decide to send all the stones back to Mars .
30 He handed the binoculars back to Nell .
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