Example sentences of "the [noun pl] were [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In 455 the Goths were to be the prime movers in his elevation to imperial office .
2 In the crowds were to be found most kinds of urban and industrial workers but hardly ever farm labourers ; in many cases they were shielded from the market by receiving part of their wages in kind , and in general the authority structure of the countryside was sufficient to deter them from rioting .
3 … it would be a degradation of that process if the courts were to be merely a reflecting mirror of what some other interpretation agency might say .
4 Separate day and night attendants for the lunatics were to be engaged as required , and the master was told that as far as possible fresh water should be provided for bathing each casual .
5 The thousands of tons of earth which were to be dug out of the meadow to make room for the foundations were to be piled up in nearby Merton playing field .
6 The houses were to be built at a pre-arranged cost and the architectural detail of each was to be carefully considered .
7 If the plans were to be implemented as they stand it would mean a significant deterioration in Maternity services .
8 The illustrations were to be typical representations of ecosystems that actually exist with inhabitants adapted to live there .
9 The projects were to be of real and lasting value , and able in the long run to pay for themselves .
10 The proposals were to be put before the congregation and this was done at a Congregational Tea in the Town Hall on Thursday 5 May 1966 at 7.30 pm .
11 The examination not only confirmed the findings of the comparison stage of the FAOR study , but also highlighted the difficulties and expense that would be involved if the proposals were to be implemented at the level suggested ; at the same time it helped to dispel certain misconceptions about the needs of the users overall .
12 The proposals were to be put to a referendum after first being considered by the National Assembly .
13 Because the new base would not be ready for five years , the F-16s were to be based temporarily in other NATO countries after leaving Spain .
14 The reasons were to be found in the strong links between housing and Planning , and in the large populations required to justify certain special services and residential accommodation in education and the personal social services .
15 Its members were to be nominees of national governments : while all the states were to be represented , not more than two members could come from any one state .
16 But while the poor , the mob , the dregs were to be firmly excluded from political life , the developing study of political economy recognized that these same ignorant and brutal multitudes played an indispensable economic role .
17 On 14 August 1903 , the school teachers asked to keep their travelling privileges after the schools were to be handed over to the Local Education Authority .
18 From that time the influences were to be more European than English or colonial .
19 From these the finalists were to be selected to appear before the panel of judges at a social evening in Alton .
20 The bishops were to look for exactly these deficiencies ; synods were to be held ; the clergy were to be better educated , responsible and not ignorant .
21 Most of the local men who had come for the conventicle , had come armed in case of a surprise attack , and many of the others agreed to arm themselves , but additional men would be required if the Dragoons were to be confronted .
22 The funds were to be disbursed in two instalments of SDR3,420,000 each .
23 Half the funds were to be disbursed rapidly to support the balance of payments .
24 Perhaps a certain sensitivity on this question inspired his particularly detailed instructions to Orjonikidze on how the Georgians were to be treated ; the intelligentsia were to be offered particular concessions , and the Mensheviks to be invited to participate — ‘ avoid any mechanism copying the Russian pattern … bigger concessions to all the petty bourgeois elements ’ .
25 That 's why I stood up and shouted when the homes were to be closed .
26 The words were to be simply interpreted ( p202 ) .
27 A spokesman yesterday said the company was delighted the lines were to be banned .
28 Housewives were told to hand them in after they had been used in the stock pot and fed to the dog , after , after which the bones were to be washed and dried in the oven after the gas and electricity had been turned off .
29 Although the highlights of the visits were to be commissions to write for the stage , the bulk of Mozart 's time was taken up writing and performing instrumental works for private performances .
30 If all the syndicates were to be fully reserved on a basis on which Names could be confident of not being called for further sums , Chatset estimates that reserves of £1.5bn would have to be increased to £3.5bn .
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