Example sentences of "the [noun pl] are to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The contracts are to be let in two blocks .
2 The best way to secure future jobs and future collieries is to win the largest possible share of the electricity-generation market , and the contracts are to be renewed next year .
3 Understandably , despite such possible complexity , the purchaser will not be interested in the legal semantics of how the contracts are to be transferred but will be interested in two main practical concerns : firstly , in receiving the benefit of the contracts in return for performing the burden and secondly , in not paying for a contract if the purchaser can not benefit from it .
4 First , section 238(1) provides that any member , holder of the company 's debentures and any person who is entitled to receive notice of general meetings shall , not less than 21 days before the accounts are to be laid before the general meeting under section 241 , be sent copies of them .
5 ‘ If the cities are to be saved as centres of a civilized urban life , and not plunged into gutted and fearful waste-lands … delinquency will have to be tackled as a problem with high priority — perhaps as the urban problem .
6 In effect , this permits the country in question to decide how the emissions are to be achieved within their national ‘ bubble ’ .
7 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
8 The maps are to be published in 1991 .
9 So there are two unexplored continents — about a third of the land mass of this planet if the maps are to be believed — inhabited by people about whom we know nothing .
10 The proposals are to be debated at Lord 's on May 19 and , if agreed , will come into force next year .
11 The proposals are to be discussed in November when local authorities and the police will make their views known .
12 Details of the proposals are to be published soon and will also target ‘ bail bandits ’ who commit crimes while out on bail .
13 It is an offence for a shopkeeper to sell solvent based products to anyone under the age of 18 , if they know , or have reasonable cause to believe , that the products are to be abused , and not used for their normal purpose .
14 Not only do these give details of the various products but they also often have information about how and where the products are to be used as well as tips and hints on plumbing design and techniques .
15 Moreover , according to Dr John Voorhees of the University of Michigan Medical Centre , who has carried out clinical trials on the drug , Retin-A needs to be used on an open-ended , on-going basis if the improvements are to be maintained .
16 One possible advantage of Walter 's check is that when broken hammer shanks are repaired , the correct lengths of the shanks have to be maintained if the hammers are to be properly checked .
17 Public Acts of Parliament are general in their application ; they govern all cases falling within categories of which the definitions are to be found in the wording of the statute .
18 ‘ The National Grid does not own the land on which the pylons are to be built and it has to negotiate some form of agreement with the landowner , ’ he said .
19 This structure is likely to include the advance co-ordination of diaries to ensure that all those who should attend can , a visible commitment from partners that the meetings are to be given high priority , the circulation of concise pre-reading in good time , and adherence to a formal agenda .
20 The direction ‘ laissez vibrer ’ is given here to indicate that the cymbals are to be allowed to vibrate freely — to ring on until their vibration dies away naturally .
21 If the manufacturers are to be believed , by late 1988 the figure was over 340,000 .
22 If we turn to trusts we find Valens stating that if maintenance has been left by trust to freedmen without a sum being stated , then first of all the amounts usually paid by the deceased are to be taken into account , then his bequests to those of the same class , and failing these his assets and intimacy with the beneficiaries are to be considered .
23 The firstfruits are to be brought to God , since it is he who makes the land fruitful .
24 The money to set up these trusts is to be supplied by industry , and the schools are to be founded for the most part in inner cities , and are to be technological in character .
25 In such cases , the recurrent relationship must be simultaneously grammatical and semantic if the units are to be assigned to the same lexeme .
26 If there are major disagreements as to concepts ( eg as to whether the warranties are to be very detailed or are merely trying to catch material items ) it may be necessary to have a meeting of the principals to resolve the concepts against which the agreement is to be negotiated .
27 If the funds are to be obtained from a third party source , letters of support should be provided .
28 European Commission President , Jacques Delors , has announced that the funds are to be increased over the next five years , although the regulations governing their use are to be reformed .
29 It is the technical and transportation problems of moving coal from Siberia where most of the reserves are to be found , to the main areas of use , which have and will restrict development .
30 This order stays all further proceedings except for the purpose of carrying terms agreed — as contained in a Schedule annexed into effect ; the order ends with the words " … for that purpose , the parties are to be at liberty to apply " .
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