Example sentences of "the [noun pl] he [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the contacts he 's made the circles he moves in — would make it possible to fund his own operation . ’
2 yeah , you 're blowing apart as well because we are n't servicing our part of the partnership , cos it 's not only just talking about the projects he 's bringing in an and getting him involved with projects like that .
3 Hughes cites Speak as a model for those yet to get their chance in the game , insisting : ‘ The rewards he is getting now are richly deserved .
4 By analysing the products he is selling in this way , a salesman will communicate in terms which are meaningful to buyers and therefore be more convincing .
5 I mean , we 've , I 've , there was a situation these are the roads he 's taking me around now , he had me reverse round the corner which was practically blind , could n't see what was round the corner , so I was edging round , and it was on a hill so I had to do it , every time I stopped I had to put the handbrake on so I did n't roll
6 Yeah , but the trips he 's using are big .
7 In this particular drawing the forecaster has assumed that the future is going to be almost the same as the present ( at least in the characteristics he is depicting ) .
8 In many of the pictures he is accompanied by his half-sister Peggy , about ten years older than he , who was devoted to him .
9 Jason says : ‘ Gary 's got more money than the rest of us because he gets publishing royalties for the songs he 's written , but the rest of us just get a modest wage . ’
10 Abel , the oldest at 24 , is already a full Swaziland international , but training with the reserves he 's found there 's strength in depth at an English First Division Club .
11 ‘ Every club years ago had a tough-tackling defender in their side but they did n't resort to the tactics he is talking about .
12 ‘ Oh , I 'll look up the books he 's written at the college library and take a couple out , ’ said Loretta airily .
13 Instead , Mauriac tells us about the books he 's read , the painters he 's liked , the plays he 's seen .
14 We must distinguish the belief that a speaker has about the words he is using from the belief that he is using those words to express .
15 Hooto ( TM ) may , even now , be congratulating himself on the risks he 's taken , the frontiers he 's conquered .
16 First , there is his attitude towards the texts he is writing about : because writing can never be governed by the intention and avowed aims of its authors , Derrida finds himself saying of Rousseau , for example , that what he actually writes is quite different from what he means to say : that he is bound , as we all are , to say ‘ more , less or something quite other than what he would mean/would like to say [ voudrait dire ] ’ ( 1976 : 158 ] .
17 Like the Philistines he is filled with terror .
18 Keener feels that his lack of technical background is a distinct advantage ; it also means that he sets a large amount of trust in the engineers he is working with .
19 Counsel will use deferential language in court , particularly in respect of a decision that he submits was mistaken ; the worse the error , the deeper will be the respect that he expresses for the judges he is criticising .
20 ‘ I understand people associating me with bands I 've worked on as an engineer , but I do n't understand why I am the only engineer in the world who 's expected to be discriminating about the bands he 's worked with … ’
21 Over the years he 's made extensive real estate investments .
22 The books is more than merely route descriptions though , as Harding recounts the times over the years he 's walked the various paths , adding anecdotes , descriptions of the people and insights into the history of the area .
23 SEAN CONNERY : the sum of the heroes he 's played ; inset , the perfect uncle , authoritative and kind but slightly removed , Connery revisits his old school in Edinburgh
24 He 's the ancient Highlander , the incorruptible cop , the ageing Robin Hood , the sum of the heroes he 's played , and famously prickly , private and abrupt .
25 I think I could have bought a new washer in place of all the vibrators he 's bought .
26 He 's been telling me all sorts of stories about the places he 's worked in . ’
27 The pieces he is reading are adapted from the writings of playwright and author Michael Frayn .
28 ‘ Any private seller who makes a factual statement about the goods he is selling , verbally or in writing , can be held to account if what he says is inaccurate . ’
29 And Jesus speaking to these scribes and the Pharisees he 's pointing the finger says , you , can I paraphrase and , perhaps use well no , Jesus used some pretty strong language against these people .
30 But the ladies from the village who are helping out look curiously at him , and call him sir when they rescue the spoons he is sitting on .
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