Example sentences of "the [noun pl] to [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Motivated by rather more than just military considerations , the EFA was an exercise in European unity , and was governed by the need to give a ‘ fair share ’ of the contracts to each of the participating countries .
2 ‘ And the good Dr Neil Cochrane with her , the saintly refugee from the best society , who prefers the company of the dregs to that of his equals — well , well , well ! ’
3 By the late 1660s it is almost certain that , as Thomas Shadwell [ q.v. ] suggests in The Medal of John Bayes ( 1682 ) , he began employing the young Dryden to write prefaces , commencing a relationship that developed through the 1660s and 1670s when Herringman bought up the copyrights to most of Dryden 's work .
4 But I believe he is wrong to describe the " one sort " as a matter of " A , and what 's more , B " , since that restricts the relationship of the lines to those of emphasis , repetition , seconding , and so on .
5 He asked if it would be all right if the Southampton police were to sell the bike and give the proceeds to one of their charities , and I readily agreed .
6 South Manchester Group Manager Tony Roberts presented the proceeds to one of the Appeal organisers watched by ( from left ) Alison Kilmartin , Sharon Harrop , Richard Valentine and Lisa Harrop .
7 And be about five or six of us left then , and we were just getting ready to get off when we got hit by the second big blast , which caused most of the burns to all of us then .
8 Is n't it , perhaps , a notable historical coincidence that the greatest European novelist of the nineteenth century should be introduced at the Pyramids to one of the twentieth century 's most notorious fictional characters ?
9 Clearly , a sale of property at full value would not result in the creation of a settlement ( p684 ) and the Crown conceded that some of the transfers to one of the children satisfied that requirement and therefore the section did not apply .
10 The decision closes the floodgates to hundreds of potential appeals by convicted drink-drivers .
11 We have our own network of contacts and access arrangements ( favours returned for favours done ) ; one of our members even has the rights to one of our minor rivers .
12 Jackson already owns the rights to most of The Beatles ' songs and would , if successful , suddenly have shares in former label-mates Stevie Wonder and Diana Ross .
13 This latter purpose was also served by assigning each pupil participating in the assessments to one of three attainment levels on the basis of their performance on the GT4 reference test .
14 Well , the answers to that of course are very complicated , but they all became interested or anxious at a similar time about the problems of extreme poverty .
15 The view implies that the teacher is the holder of answers in a classroom , one who knows the answers to all of the pupils ' questions .
16 In this chapter we shall investigate the answers to some of these questions in an example drawn from a debate about health policy .
17 The answers to some of the questions posed in this booklet may give rise to the need for change .
18 We have the answers to some of your most common hair problems
19 At school , they learn the answers to some of their questions and one of the results of education is that they stop asking questions like that .
20 You may not know the answers to some of these things at first , but there will be plenty of chances to discuss them later .
21 I do not know the answers to any of these questions .
22 If the answers to any of these questions suggest the claimant has suffered from the illness or injury in the past , further investigations are necessary .
23 ‘ I 've barely got the answers to any of the questions on my list , ’ Fabia had to own .
24 Meanwhile spies in the Red Fort reported the developments to each of Shah Jehan 's four sons , all of whom assumed that the long-awaited succession battle was now imminent .
25 Its ranks include the heirs to many of the most powerful noble houses in the Empire , including the sons of Elector Counts .
26 Welcome back : In a few minutes , a night of tributes from the stars to one of the great men of British cinema .
27 In case 1 the similarity of the symptoms to those of an acute asthmatic attack and the fact that a nebulised bronchodilator resolved the acute event were misleading .
28 The channels with which each of the tanks connect at the upper level , and into which they immerse at the lower , lie parallel to one another , but the entrances to each of the upper channels , against which the appropriate tank abuts , are the width of an entire plane apart .
29 In what was regarded then as some perverse flourish of American protocol , ‘ Admiral ’ Perry then gave the papers to two of his black mariners — ‘ the best-looking fellows of their colour that the squadron could furnish ’ — and instructed them to hand them over .
30 The first paragraph of the letters to each of the parents showed that the school was over-subscribed and that to admit their daughters would be detrimental to the provision of efficient education : therefore the case fell within section 6(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1980 .
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