Example sentences of "the [noun pl] and [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now if we can sort of simplify the whole thing forget about the continents and that sort of thing what happens is that the sea water is attracted , obviously not this much , but the sea water is attracted towards The sea is attracted by the moon and you end up if you like with this bulge in the sea Now what is not so easy to understand
2 In any case other activities got in the way of getting to the Sunday services , but I managed the rehearsals and some weekday 5pm services .
3 page a hundred and thirty two , para two twenty eleven in broad er we , we 've put in purposely er sweeping up provision in our catalogue of restrictions , erm which simply says all bylaws and other regulations may be pursuant to the acts and all agreements made pursuant to the bi-laws which reinforce or implement any of the above restrictions
4 The statement of accounts must be prefaced by a statement of the main principles adopted in compiling the accounts and that statement must draw attention to any significant changes in practice .
5 It has taken nearly nine months to finalise all the accounts and each venture takes about six months to plan .
6 Inkwells were let into the top of the desks and each Friday afternoon the ink monitors from Standard Seven would arrive with trays , collect these inkwells , take them into the lobby and refill them with very watery ink from a small water can .
7 The static value Vs depends solely on the patterns , while Vdb exploits both the patterns and some search .
8 At least three groups need the pictures , and two of those groups are not young readers but are more articulate than them : the artists and those adults who will assess the pictures as critics , potential purchasers , or award panellists .
9 So the rule which confers jurisdiction will also be a rule of recognition , identifying the primary rules through the judgments of the courts and these judgments will become a ‘ source ’ of law …
10 Now we were at 2,000 feet , the grasslands and such trees as there had been were below us .
11 The backs of the mandibles and all parts of the skull have been destroyed , but no damage is present on any of the teeth .
12 Otherwise every scrum would have ended with the scrum-halves and both sets of forwards wallowing in the mire with little chance of the ball every seeing daylight .
13 In most cases it is possible to achieve a quick and acceptable answer provided there is adequate appreciation of the impact of the proposals and enough flexibility on both sides to look at modifications , and time allowed for doing so .
14 Among the molluscs , there are the snails and shell-less slugs , but these emerged fairly recently in the group 's history .
15 Mrs Bottomley told them the health service had to move with the times and some closures were inevitable .
16 ( ii ) County court staff should be again reminded of the urgency with which the documentation of contempt cases should be undertaken and of the need to comply strictly with the rules and that service of committal orders should always be made personally on the contemnor .
17 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
18 15. ( 1 ) A member shall not tender a vote in breach of the Rules and any vote so tendered shall not be accepted .
19 The structures so produced have some properties of a linguistic analysis of the definitions and some properties of a semantic definition of word sense concepts , and they take the basic syntactic form of nested feature lists .
20 Made with skimmed milk , they have half the fat , two-thirds the calories and more protein than the originals .
21 Second , although Ellis and Muller found no difference between their distinctiveness and observation training conditions , there was evidence for a superiority of the distinctiveness group over one given equivalence training in which they had to apply one label to half of the shapes and another label to the rest .
22 I mean did you ever have time for dances , and going to the pictures and that kind of thing , I mean you must have found some time ?
23 Gifford left me the pictures and some money , and he left Alan the house .
24 Er there were none of the incubators and this sort of thing for them like we 've got today .
25 The nature and length of sale and purchase agreements vary enormously , most particularly depending on the nature and length of the warranties and any indemnities to be given by the seller .
26 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
27 However , while he 's lauded in the West for his achievements , at home the award means much less ; perestroika has lost much of its appeal and simply means yet more empty shelves in the shops and more despondency about the economy .
28 There was a wire mesh roof over it lower than in the Cages and some fish and meat .
29 Then his warm , naked body was against hers beneath the covers and this time everything was magically different .
30 But the charities say plans have not even been drawn up to develop the homes and that housing associations have refused to start work on projects until they are promised funding for running costs .
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