Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The senders of it must have had misgivings as to whether he would obey as they appear to have decided to back it up with physical intimidation .
2 Each Saturday there will be guided tours for two of the churches on the list , while on the first and third Saturday of every month a concert of classical music will be held in one of the churches , the takings from which will go towards restoring a work of art .
3 He is now upset that it is not our policy and keeps saying that the views in it must be the views of Ministers .
4 The SEC and CFTC are fighting in the courts over which should regulate ‘ stock-basket ’ products , new financial instruments with a cash security and a futures contract .
5 The small bodies will have themselves accreted from even smaller bodies , the surfaces of which would carry traces of volatiles .
6 The BCG divided its matrix into four quadrants as shown in figure 4.1 and gave each quadrant a name to signify how the products in it should be treated .
7 The Panel 's decisions are creating a kind of accounting case law , and the reasons for them should be given formally and more fully .
8 ‘ Above all else the organization is viewed as a functionally integrated system , the operations of which can be understood with reference to the organizational goals which it is concerned to achieve ’ ( Burrell and Morgan 1979 , p. 205 ) .
9 Now I could not countenance , and I 'm sure none of the authorities around us could countenance a new settlement that scale in Greater York .
10 I think it convenient in this judgment first to set out the salient facts of the case , as found by the judge , and then to consider the authorities from which must be extracted the principles of law and equity to be applied to the facts .
11 I became a car driver again widely overtaking walkers and cyclists , and made forays of comfortable detective work returning to my cornucopian base , some of the victuallings within you will learn about in the Lewis section .
12 The programme provided for the discussion of various topics on the first two days , as told in the preceding chapter , and for Saturday , January 18 , it read : Proposal to form the National Deaf Association , on the American lines , the objects of which will be the protection , and the educational and social elevation of the deaf of the United Kingdom .
13 It has been subtly shifting the goalposts of what can be done in and through art .
14 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
15 Er so thank you for coming and do n't forget the candidates and and Thank John personally for for for being such a very good er candidate in in this erm hustings , er but do n't leave the candidates to You must fee The people in Salford and Eccles and in er Worsley , who get the Manchester Evening News , Er It 's it 's that they they put lo there 's local issues is n't there ?
16 Theirs was the charm of not being bourgeois , and the foreigners among them could be , or could come across as , princes , pretenders to a throne , descendants of a khan .
17 However , there are now real problems and the solutions to them can no longer be delayed or fudged .
18 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
19 Every good game defines the parameters of what may or may not be seen as a legitimate action .
20 All these agencies have local offices in many areas of the country , the addresses of which can be found in the telephone directory or the local public library .
21 We have already referred to the role of organic acids in chemical weathering , the anions of which may be important in the removal of metal cations from silicate minerals and in the dissolution of carbonates .
22 What is disappointing is the way that the speakers in them ca n't seem to keep the sound together , even at low power ratings .
23 For the first time in their four-year history the awards will have a regional stage ; the winners of which will then have a chance to win one of nine national awards in London on November 17 .
24 In general , it seems sensible to suggest that any discretion will be exercised so as to improve regulators ' utility ( along the lines of what would be expected from a managerial utility maximization model like Williamson 's , 1963 ) .
25 I remember a drunken coversation with him along the lines of you ca n't call a cat Lukic it has to be Bonetti .
26 ‘ It began with striking his spurs off for disobedience , but ended more on the lines of he could stay and rot for two weeks for all Zacco cared .
27 When we visited the big open-air retail market in the upper town at Montpellier , there was an ordinary enough little charcuterie-épicerie stall offering the ingredients of what might be called the small change of French cookery , but to our English eyes it looked particularly inviting and interesting .
28 This bequeathed to Berlin and Prussia the advantages of what might be called ‘ political backwardness in perspective ’ , and enabled the creation of an inordinately powerful military and bureaucratic apparatus .
29 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
30 In its 1969 report , the Committee on the Enforcement of Judgement Debts chaired by Mr Justice Payne recommended the setting up of a Court Enforcement Office , the functions of which would include assisting the creditor to obtain from the debtor ‘ as much as he can properly afford ’ , to liquidate the debts as soon as possible and to protect the debtor against undue hardship or harassment .
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