Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] what [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It has been subtly shifting the goalposts of what can be done in and through art .
2 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
3 Every good game defines the parameters of what may or may not be seen as a legitimate action .
4 In general , it seems sensible to suggest that any discretion will be exercised so as to improve regulators ' utility ( along the lines of what would be expected from a managerial utility maximization model like Williamson 's , 1963 ) .
5 When we visited the big open-air retail market in the upper town at Montpellier , there was an ordinary enough little charcuterie-épicerie stall offering the ingredients of what might be called the small change of French cookery , but to our English eyes it looked particularly inviting and interesting .
6 This bequeathed to Berlin and Prussia the advantages of what might be called ‘ political backwardness in perspective ’ , and enabled the creation of an inordinately powerful military and bureaucratic apparatus .
7 Secondly , we were made aware of the effects of what can be described as liberation thinking and liberation theology not only in South America but only , also , in the Pacific regions Asia , Japan and Korea .
8 The concerns of what might be called the research and development agencies in the NHS , such as the Nuffield Foundation and the Kings Fund , also provided a stimulus for change .
9 So we pray for peace between the factions in what used to be Yugoslavia .
10 Those poor children in the Cairngorms had just been recovered from the clutches of what can only be described as moronic supervisors .
11 Having lain unnoticed for a number of years , Patinkin 's insights have recently been elaborated and refined in the works of Robert Clower and in the writings of what may loosely be called the French Keynesian School , the most prominent member of which is Edmond Malinvaud ( see Malinvaud , 1980 and 1985 ) .
12 ‘ Mrs Hammond , forgive me , but … did you , both of you , give serious thought to the possibilities of what might happen when you decided to come on a cruise ? ’
13 Elizabeth tuned over in her mind the possibilities of what could have befallen George .
14 The problem then becomes that when the puritan literature of the early seventeenth century is examined , the seeds of what might prove a flowering of science are difficult to find .
15 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
16 All of this , it can surely be argued , flowed seamlessly from that fateful meeting between two black American sailors and a princely envoy from the Kyoto court in the harbour at Uraga , and by the handover of a letter written by a president who , less than a year later , would be languishing in Bukalo in the beginnings of what should be — by this reckoning alone — quite undeserved historical obscurity .
17 The expectations of what should be provided , in contrast with what is available , may be painful for some from minority groups .
18 No I 'm just trying to understand the implications of what might happen , supposing at some stage this land were developed .
19 Tow days after this , I was going pot-holing and the problems of what might go wrong came up .
20 Brady was yesterday reluctant to say too much on the subject of his meeting with some board members , but it was obvious that the details of what ought to have been private business becoming public knowledge had disturbed the manager .
21 The World Cup triple jump bronze medallist has decided to run in the 100 metres at the Cleveland County Stadium on Saturday instead of going through the motions in what would have been a practice trial in his specialist event .
22 The relations between what may be termed the aesthetics of cultural generation .
23 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
24 And the John Lennon hit single ‘ Imagine ’ has been played simultaneously on more than a thousand radio stations worldwide ; it was one of the tributes on what would have been the ex-Beatle 's fiftieth birthday , and was played as an anthem to world peace .
25 As Hopwood states ( 1982 , p. 43 ) : ‘ Familiarity with experience elsewhere should instil a greater realization of the differences between what should be done and what is said to be done , and what is done and what might be done . ’
26 For Conservative governments as much as for Labour , it was far more common that the inadequacy of resources for allocation to programmes with limited political appeal , in competition with spending programmes by other departments holding out more evident social or financial benefits , set the limits on what could be done .
27 All are comprehensible as symptoms of social disorientation , of the fraying , and sometimes the snapping , of the threads of what used to be the network that bound people together in society .
28 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
29 They say you can still see a gap in the treeline where the Hurricane shaved the tops off what would then have been saplings .
30 There 's a spring that was supposed to have healing powers and the remains of what might have been an Iron Age temple .
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