Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I became a car driver again widely overtaking walkers and cyclists , and made forays of comfortable detective work returning to my cornucopian base , some of the victuallings within you will learn about in the Lewis section .
2 Er so thank you for coming and do n't forget the candidates and and Thank John personally for for for being such a very good er candidate in in this erm hustings , er but do n't leave the candidates to You must fee The people in Salford and Eccles and in er Worsley , who get the Manchester Evening News , Er It 's it 's that they they put lo there 's local issues is n't there ?
3 I remember a drunken coversation with him along the lines of you ca n't call a cat Lukic it has to be Bonetti .
4 Mr Corbett will be cremated to the sounds of You 'll Never Walk Alone at Springwood Crematorium next Monday .
5 ‘ I ought to 'ave known the likes of you would n't do all the things you 've done for nothing .
6 Now the scholars amongst you will quickly realise that staying in a hotel near Balquhidder would lend itself to terms of geographic convenience to tackling Ben More , Ben Vorlich or even Ben Lawers .
7 So you 've put your marks every two squares , but you do n't need to write all the numbers in you could just write say erm two , four , six , eight or you could just write five , ten , fifteen , twenty , twenty five .
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