Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The experts claim it 's not a vintage year , so the spotlight has shone firmly on the models .
2 2 So , we can suggest that the British constitution is what the experts say it is .
3 The flyers claim it 's all for the disheartened clubber ; judging by the grins on the wall-clinging buddhas , faith is being restored .
4 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
5 Treasure and the maps to locate it are the stuff we dream of , whether the treasure be a golden Celtic torque or a Roman pottery shard is not as important , perhaps , as the quest and excitement of making the find .
6 A correspondent of The Times thought it was ‘ like the first hearing of a great symphony ’ , and Harold Laski , never one to be outdone in either flattery or hyperbole , wrote to Baldwin that it was ‘ the greatest speech a Prime Minister has ever made ’ .
7 The planets insist it 's a wonderful week ahead .
8 By the time the bombs dropped it was too late because the plane had passed over , so it was when you were hearing the planes you were worried .
9 If it is as effective as the researchers say it is I am sure it is going to be a very big hit with cellulite sufferers world-wide .
10 The authorities decided it was dangerous so it had to be knocked down .
11 One of the many advantages of a delicensed black cab is that unless the cops know it 's delicensed , the chances of getting pulled for not wearing a seat-belt are fairly remote .
12 Kurunagala and parts of the districts bordering it were singled out as suffering from an inordinate amount of cattle theft .
13 In the November 1982 election the percentage of candidates having surname initials in the first four letters of the alphabet was surprisingly high : 32.9 , but of the candidates elected it was higher still : 38.6 .
14 And the opportunities to acquire it are infinite , for power is not limited .
15 In terms of identifying himself with the peoples suffering it was a disaster .
16 Another who heard the bangs thought it was a cracker .
17 A court that tries to decide as Parliament would have wished is more likely to be right than a court that follows the words believing it was not what Parliament intended .
18 That 's the difference between arts and science , because you 've actually got something there you can look at and study , so you 're talking about facts , whereas in the arts side it 's all airy-fairy and you 're beating about the bush a lot .
19 The difference between market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
20 The difference between the market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
21 Not wishing to come down on either side , the planners say it 's a nice fence but high fences near roads need permission .
22 They have a filing system , and the procedure for it which is about two pages is highly efficient , and the engineers think it 's the best thing since sliced bread .
23 The judges felt it was a book that had long been needed and gave the work of many of the Bauhaus photographers the recognition they deserved .
24 It is not what the judges think it is , but what it really is .
25 Perhaps the Indians thought it was a religious thing , like celebrating the 500th anniversary of a cathedral or whatever .
26 The parents decided it was better for the child to be taken away . ’
27 The governments believe it is obvious that improved air quality depends on controlling growth and the distribution of housing and jobs .
28 ‘ I think it 's like foreign lagers becoming quite popular in this country , English beers have a growing reputation abroad , ’ he added.Although the Italians liked the taste of Tolly 's 1048 Cantab beer , they were not so impressed with the brewery 's taste in labels.The controversial naked lady , the Bacchante , on the label of Cantab beer , had already been described by Cambridge students as ‘ sexist ’ and the Italians felt it was ‘ not very English ’ .
29 Yet the customs surrounding it were never clearly defined .
30 One person assembles one product from beginning to end ; the workers say it 's more satisfying that way and Peavey say they get better quality work , as well as being able to respond quicker to market demands .
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