Example sentences of "the [indef pn] [conj] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 I was saying , who 's the one that had you over for the barbecue ?
2 There 's the one that says you can get up to two years for ‘ incitement to disaffection ’ .
3 The one that says you own the world and all that 's in it , that says you ca n't for the life of you figure out why I 'm not jumping for joy at the prospect of staying on here , in this house , as your grandmother 's companion . ’
4 If necessary , try out one or more methods until you find the one that suits you and your partner best .
5 There are several possible storage methods , so choose the one that suits you best .
6 make the point you know I 'm sure you found this useful , what particular area was the one that excited you the most , yeah ?
7 so you just wan na revisit it and say oh I 'm sure you found this document has been really useful this evening and out of those five areas we discussed , you might wan na consolidate it a bit , which was the one that excited you the most and that 's your retirement savings you know
8 I 'm afraid there 's none of that — transport , I mean — except Archie McLaren 's Land-Rover , the one that carries you from the harbour .
9 Best-selling single — Rivers of Babylon/ Brown Girl in the Ring , Boney M. This was the one that shamed you on holiday .
10 It 's the one that gives you your worst fears , is n't it , when you conduct it , and you go and nothing happens .
11 that was the one that interested you most .
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