Example sentences of "the [num ord] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Delft is proud of its association with the Dutch master painter Jan Vermeer and the old town centre has changed little since the 17th century with drawbridges , tree-lined canals , large churches and narrow medieval streets and the view of this quaint red-roofed town from the 100 metre high steeple of the 14th century Nieuw Kerk is worth the climb .
2 For the delegates to the 15th meeting of parties to the Antarctic Treaty , the main topic of discussion over the next 10 days will be the status of an agreement — the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities — which collapsed in the summer after the French and Australian governments decided , in consultation with each other , to withdraw their support .
3 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
4 The technique , however , is not new and Keating 's Into Unknown England , 1866–1913 contains several fascinating accounts of similar participant studies by social observers of the nineteenth century in workhouses and cheap lodging houses .
5 The unpredictable occurrence of jet in the shale beds and the cost of constructing adits against a doubtful return meant that Whitby was overtaken during the final quarter of the nineteenth century by imports from Oviedo .
6 The Dogon were almost certainly visited late in the nineteenth century by missionaries who were up-to-date in terms of modern science .
7 It is ironic that the conciliarist idea of power-sharing , buttressed during the fourteenth century by arguments taken from Aristotle , turned upside down the papal stance as expressed by Innocent III .
8 It was the chief town of the ancient viscounty of Soule , both a seat and a strong point , and as such had a stormy time during the protracted wars hereabouts with the English occupiers and during the religious wars of the sixteenth century between Catholics and Protestants .
9 One of the major preoccupations of Soviet Russian ethnic historians , obliged to work within the framework of Marxist-Leninist dogma , is to define the level of social-political evolution which the peoples of Siberia had reached by the sixteenth century in terms of Marx 's five universal stages .
10 The slowness and apparent lack of courtesy of 4- and 5-ball matches were also hotly criticised and resulted in their being banned from the 1st tee on Wednesdays , Saturdays and Sundays from 1.15–2.30 .
11 In fact , if the children aged thirty and above are considered as the second generation of adults , then three-quarters of the men and two-thirds of the women were living in parishes other than Cardington .
12 The second generation of machines will be much more complex than the first , for it will include machines capable of repairing and even reproducing the first generation !
13 Less , however , is known about the second generation of Asians and the extent to which this group is challenging the internal and external forces for segregation .
14 The second influence on individuals ' social power is what are called the bases they have to draw on .
15 The second function of tribunals is regulation .
16 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
17 The second row of holes was at chest level .
18 The second census of Levites lists those between 30 and 50 , eligible for the service of the tabernacle .
19 It 's the second attack on visitors to Egypt in less than a month , the foreign office says the great majority of tourists experience no problems in Egypt , but adds .
20 All-party talks on the future of Northern Ireland , initiated by Peter Brooke , the UK Northern Ireland Secretary [ see p. 38156 ] , which were due to start on May 7 , were delayed as a result of procedural disputes mainly concerning the venue and chairing of the second strand of discussions .
21 The second category of religions is associated with the East .
22 Of the second category of bishops as regional leaders , the northern prelates afford obvious examples : in 1346 Archbishop Zouche and Bishop Kirkby of Carlisle participated in the defeat of the Scots at Neville 's Cross , while Bishop Hatfield of Durham rode into battle at Crécy ; ten years later he , too , campaigned against the Scots , and in 1372 he offered himself as a mercenary in the pope 's wars in Italy .
23 The second category of revisionists , neo-populist historians concerned with peasant society , have likewise emphasized the limited impact of government policy after 1905 in general and of the Stolypin land reform in particular .
24 No such partnership arrangements extended to the second category of districts , though they were invited to draw up programmes ; in the case of the third category , local authorities simply made use of the powers of the Act .
25 In last month 's analysis of She 's Got It Bad by Shaun Ward of Simply Red , the second half of bars 12 and 16 should read Gn , G♯ , A , not G♯ , A , A♯ .
26 Having already lost Sheasby ( ankle ) , Quins began the second half with substitutes Greene and Goodwin pressed into action — and the complexion of the game changed .
27 Eddie Freeman gave Easington the lead , with Graham Curry cancelling that out , but Easington surged into the lead early in the second half with goals by Freeman , Micky Skirving and Allan Martin , and even though Jimmy Lagan pulled one back , Skirving wrapped up the points .
28 Bearing in mind that it is essential to include your own product somewhere in the prize structure , consider the size of the top prize vis-a-vis the second tier of prizes , whether there should be more than two tiers of prizes or whether there should be , say , 50 or 100 prizes of equal weight .
29 The first has a tangy , modern taste , the second hails from days gone by and the third brings a hint of traditional Danish flavour to our shores .
30 The second system of fibres in the sol-gel zone of platelets comprises the microfilaments ( White , 1971 ) .
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