Example sentences of "the [n mass] [prep] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At the headquarters of Pelham Puppets in Cheltenham they 've just received an order to make 10,000 models of Lady Penelope and friends .
2 Four robbers , two of whom were believed to be armed , threatened two security guards at the side entrance of the post office in Constitution Street close to the headquarters of Tayside police in Bell Street .
3 So even a very episodic role for political leaders assumes a wider significance , given that elected political leaders can not pass the buck for crisis decisions to any alternative source of authority in a liberal democracy .
4 The London County Council had found that it simply was not worth trying to recover the cost of milk from the 25% of London parents whose income was high enough to make them liable for the full billeting contribution , since ‘ the few pounds they had succeeded in recovering over a period of several months were far less than the cost of its collection ’ .
5 A Yard statement said the five were being questioned in connection with the alleged dishonest handling of £16m of the £26m in gold bars stolen in November 1983 from the Brink's-Mat bullion warehouse at Heathrow airport .
6 When the data for census tracts are observed a marked discrepancy can be seen within East Allegheny .
7 The data for risk ratings and accident estimates were considered separately and are plotted in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 respectively .
8 For example birth control , you see you could use the same argument , you could say oh the Catholics say birth control is unnatural and we know they have a whole position on that and yet the data on infertility shows that in fact most women generate antibodies to some sperm , so the , those datas suggest that actively discriminating against sperm on the part of the women is actually natural and all that is happening in modern birth control technology is that women are developing or building on a natural er foundation that is already there namely to be choosy about when they become pregnant and by whom .
9 The impression of a general lack of expertise is heightened by the data on review methods , the main ones used being ‘ staff discussion ’ and ‘ individual introspection ’ .
10 In order to accept that the data from speech errors are contrary to the Full Listing Hypothesis , it is necessary to show that the fate of inflections is different from that of other word-final fragments .
11 Mud is apt to be thrown up by aircraft wheels in landing and taking off , muddy water enters the aircraft through drainage holes and all sorts of other orifices and then the water drains out , leaving a film of wet mud .
12 Spitfire Vb BR226 on one of the six special ‘ Queen Mary ’ cradles constructed to take the aircraft to Glasgow Docks .
13 Some of the aircraft from blockbuster films like Aces High and Indiana Jones are making a special appearance at an airshow .
14 Outrageous names are often found among the offspring of showbusiness parents : Fifi Trixiebelle , Peaches and Pixie are the names of Paula Yates and Bob Geldof 's children .
15 When Dr Friedler injected morphine into the offspring of mouse fathers who had themselves breathed nitrous oxide , the body temperature of the offspring dropped less than was expected .
16 This year 's recipients of the £1000 per year grants are :
17 Cut the fish into 2.5cm/1in cubes .
18 Thus it was Floridablanca , a stiff bureaucrat , who planned the road system radiating from Madrid , the completion of which was to be the achievement of Isabelline liberalism ; indeed , the fate of the Corps of Road Engineers , set up in the eighteenth century , was bound up with the fate of liberalism itself ; dismantled by Ferdinand VII it was set up by the Liberal Revolution in 1820 ; dissolved in the reaction of 1823 , it was re-established by liberals in 1834 .
19 The following analysis of the influence of armaments engineers on policy making also holds good for telecoms engineers : The key roles played by the corps of armaments engineers in making France 's arms complex run can hardly be exaggerated .
20 His eldest son — also John Sich — was a Lieutenant in the Corps of Chiswick Volunteers formed at the time of the threatened invasion of England by the forces of Napoleon .
21 Inspect the dpc 150mm ( 6in ) above ground level — a series of holes just above the dpc at 150mm intervals will indicate that a chemical dpc has been added .
22 This meant that the 5% to 10% cuts in ski length that people took were compensated by increases in width — the surface area stayed the same .
23 A further aspect is that with public attention focused firmly on the statistics of road accidents , many traffic issues became matters for the Police .
24 The statistics for childhood accidents are alarming .
25 I mean , the statistics for boy children being molested , there , there are boy children are molested but the statistics are nowhere near as large !
26 In view of the £632,000 of bid costs announced with yesterday 's figures the company was quick to stress that it has no other hostile targets in its sights .
27 At the closure of the session he suggested a number of measures to be undertaken to " promulgate and propagate the essence of the new laws " , including the nationwide education of party cadres and the people through study classes , and increased media coverage .
28 Whether they see the connections , the people with learning difficulties in Simons ' study have important comments on aspects of their lives .
29 I also understand from meetings , I 'm meeting a group of social workers as I call them , that are dealing with the people with learning difficulties , erm , these are at present taking place in the Castle Hall .
30 The Occupation changes , like the events following the Restoration , aroused in the people of Japan reactions which looked both back to the past and forward to the future , and which highlighted Japan 's dependence on , yet difference from , the other cultures of the world .
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