Example sentences of "the [noun sg] had be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
2 The case against the defendant was indeed a strong one and for that reason their Lordships would not be prepared simply to recommend that an acquittal be ordered , but they do not feel able to say that the jury would inevitably have convicted , if the defence had been furnished in advance with the three statements in question and if the jury had received the accepted direction on evidence as to character and guidance from the trial judge on the problem , whatever it was , indicated when they first returned to court .
3 The purchaser will not necessarily wish to be paid as if the income had been taxed .
4 Mr Smith said when the Premier had been quizzed about poverty in Britain recently he had snapped back : ‘ What poverty ? ’
5 Valeri said he had found a tent and various items on the ridge , which they were attempting , so I made a list of them and he drew a sketch map of the location where the tent had been found .
6 I remember seeing an early plan ( of the Bois de Boulogne ) on which the rivers and other parts of the park had been painted green , in watercolour , by the august consort of the Emperor .
7 Both Norman Tebbit and John Wakeham were now back after the Grand Hotel blast and the opportunity had been taken to arrange a Cabinet photograph .
8 She had wanted to meet the young man again , but now the opportunity had been afforded her she had not been confident enough to accept it .
9 The Stand had been taken to the recent Funeral Service Exhibition at Mottram Hall .
10 Southern analysis of stable transformants showed that the plasmid had been integrated into the tubulin locus by homologous recombination .
11 They received no damages for the loss of some exceptionally lucrative government dyeing contracts which they would haze secured if the boiler had been delivered on time .
12 It was found that while the annual revenue was about $400,000 , there was only about $1,000 in the account ; John Piper had received $20,000 as his percentage and $8,000 as his salary , and the remainder had been frittered away by lax and costly administration .
13 The consequence of the reduction had been to put resignalling work around Waterloo — which led to the Clapham disaster — two months behind schedule .
14 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
15 With the passing of Law and Long there were no Unionists in the cabinet who had both authority and detachment ; the link had been broken , but its importance was demonstrated with devastating effect when both intervened to influence the events of October 1922 .
16 A few weeks later , when the link had been made between Willi and his mother , who lived in Rochdale , the Movement collected money for the rest of his journey .
17 She remembered the dark movement she had seen just before the link had been severed .
18 If the link had been spotted , Sir Anthony concluded , Barlow Clowes 's operations would have been halted in 1984 .
19 Committee chairman , Coun Handel Morgan , said the funding had been earmarked in the education committee estimates but was deleted by the policy committee and full county council .
20 Buckingham Palace last night insisted the prince had been misinterpreted .
21 On one occasion Lord Mountbatten had found him licking his wounds and asked if the Prince had been upsetting him .
22 The CO had been given another obvious cue .
23 Now all this hinted , I 'm sure you 'll agree , that the split had been brewing , indeed planned for some time .
24 He was trying to figure if anyone along the road or up on the ridge had been hurt .
25 From the early days of the Spanish invasion , the ridge had been logged commercially but now the major part of the pine forest had been declared a nature reserve .
26 It should be noted in passing that in Scotland the change had been made in 1599/60 .
27 The wing would have had a tendency to turn left in flight unless the change had been made ( incorrectly ) to counteract an inherent right turn .
28 Even when the change had been made , in the nick of time , the questions remained in Emerson 's mind : would the engine work ?
29 What was even more surprising was that the change had been instituted by her new coach Harold Solomon , who was a confirmed baseliner in his playing days .
30 The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant .
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