Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Wild exultation at having him so close made sure her momentary pain was no more than that , as he slipped easily into the rhythm that had her half sobbing with delight until his voice joined her own .
2 The Ford ‘ Edsel ’ , unveiled as the car that had everything in the way of advanced engineering , flopped like a dead duck with the public which presumably was little interested in engineering .
3 She wailed , standing there , looking in at the room that had nothing left of him .
4 He 's had one of his rare vivid nightmares ; the sort that has him lying rigid in bed , blind eyes wide open , yelling ‘ No !
5 She directed her eyes to his , secretly willing him to see the truth that had nothing to do with her partner or Maria Luisa — the truth that she had loved him then and still did .
6 Question : What do you say to suggestions made by the court that had it been any other man you would have simply warned them ?
7 Using full rudder at the stall did induce a more rapid wing drop , and I did have the feeling that had we pursued it we might induce a spin , but this does not , however , detract from the aircraft 's very acceptable slow speed handling characteristics .
8 Again silence ; an arctic frosting of the air that had nothing to do with the weather .
9 The hon. Gentleman is asking a question which he knows will receive no answer , because the nature of a deterrent is that it remains uncertain — the nation that has it might be prepared to use it .
10 A scorchmark on the cloth that had its own secret history , mysterious unopened mail behind a small plaster model of an Alsatian dog on the mantelpiece ( which was a modern , ugly mantelpiece made of beige tiles ) .
11 Are you the chap that has his bike ? ’
12 Of course , the Conservatives won again in 1983 , but the fact that they secured two-thirds of the seats in the Commons with less than half of the popular vote encouraged the centre parties to cry still louder for electoral reform at the same time as the Left were forced to ponder on the fact that had there been proportional representation then the Conservatives would not have been able to form a government without the moderating support of another party in the coalition .
13 A notice of his death in the Bristol Journal supports the view that had he lived he would have made an even greater mark as an engineer : ‘ The public have to deplore in him the loss of one of the first mechanics in the kingdom , whose early genius brought to perfection that long-wished-for desideratum , the applying the powers of the fire-engine to rotular movements . ’
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