Example sentences of "the [noun sg] was by [art] " in BNC.

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1 A licence is void from the time it was granted where the payment was by a cheque which was eventually dishonoured ( Customs and Excise Management Act ) .
2 The entrance was by a narthex , unusually for the time , stretching across the full width of the west end of the church .
3 The entrance to the harbour was by a clear channel for the last two hundred yards or so , unmarked but familiar to the fisherfolk , the rest a widespread menace .
4 The accountant was by the GM 's side .
5 The pail was by the window and she could see the darkening yard and coach-house through an arched gateway .
6 Begun in 1892 and inspired by the completion of Cologne Cathedral in 1880 , the decoration was by a number of eminent artists and sculptors .
7 First , where the rehearing was by the same body or some more complete form of it the general rule was that defects at the original hearing could be cured .
8 The phone was by the bed and her husband Bruno slept by her side .
9 Last entry in the register was by a passing stranger during the Wall Street crash . ’
10 The party was ‘ called to life by the whole course of the Russian and international workers ’ movement' , confronted as the movement was by the enormous political , military , economic and ideological power at the disposal of the tsarist regime and the ruling classes in the age of imperialism .
11 All meetings were boring to him unless the participants could talk in depth and unless the debate was by a small enough number of people for personal friendships to be fostered .
12 The journey was by the SAAF shuttle service .
13 He went through to the kitchen and knew immediately who the caller was by the apprehension in her eyes .
14 so at lunchtime today every rugby fan in the city was by a radio to listen to the draw for the semi-final … club coach Keith Richardson was in our Gloucester office ready for the news
15 In Litster , even though the sale was by a receiver , it was clear that the employees had been dismissed immediately prior to completing the sale of a business solely to avoid the effect of the Transfer Regulations on the sale .
16 The pram was by the dresser but Wycliffe could not see whether or not the baby was in it .
17 Fees were abolished for all pupils , entry to the school was by the competitive eleven-plus examination .
18 The design was by the Tuscan architect Antonio Averulino , popularly known as Il Filarete , who produced two vast quadrilaterals separated by a huge central courtyard and closed in by square porticos on two floors .
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