Example sentences of "the [noun sg] it 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then they put them in the sun to dry out , and when the meat curls away from the shell it 's put into sacks .
2 Yeah , and er , apparently there 's a thing called in the afternoon it 's called erm software for survivors
3 We 've spent years examining the Bridge systems , but for all the good it 's done us we might have been blowing bubbles .
4 The A4 can also switch channels on the amp it 's plugged into , at the same time as a patch is selected .
5 So whoever is responsible for the leak can clean up the mess it 's made .
6 Throughout the universe it 's known as ‘ Dream B ’ .
7 In the process it 's picked up HaL Computer Systems Inc , the most famous of the no-product-yet companies , to stand up and say it was doing its own Version 9 implementation , claiming to be ‘ well under way . ’
8 At the moment it 's chaired by one of the senior staff .
9 But with the parson , the youngsters do a half day in the mill and a half day at his school , an' you would n't believe the difference it 's made to those little 'uns .
10 At Westminster — deep concern for the crisis it 's created .
11 Anything 's only as good as the foundation it 's built on .
12 ‘ That 's exactly the same as telling the wall it 's hurt the person who just banged his head on it .
13 The minute it 's taken , though , Hall is off into the VIP trailer from which he walks straight onto the set .
14 With a comprehensive range or roofing and cladding products to choose from , you can specify with confidence , confident in the knowledge that the quality is unmatched , the value unsurpassed and delivery will happen on the day it 's promised .
15 But it does n't include premises for the project , which will dissapear once the flat it 's housed in is renovated .
16 ‘ Whilst I appreciate the trouble it 's caused you , you could have reported it to Bamford station and not rung me up , you know .
17 But a visit to Aerospatiale 's Socata factory at Tarbes seemed to offer the ideal opportunity of reviewing their TB20 , the Trinidad , in the role it 's made for — as an executive aircraft for the pilot owner touring market .
18 He did not feel that he would want to return to university , so he decided to apply for an unclassed ‘ War Honours ’ degree — ‘ probably not worth the paper it 's written on ’ , but perhaps enough to get him started in some profession , such as colonial service or , possibly , journalism ; he rather liked the idea of becoming a parliamentary correspondent for a newspaper .
19 Keith Skeoch , chief economist at stockbroker James Capel , said : ‘ Whatever he puts forward now in the way of economic policy wo n't be worth the paper it 's written on . ’
20 We signed a year 's lease on this place but it ai n't worth the paper it 's written on .
21 It has n't passed on a penny to the landlord … and his tenancy agreement may not now be worth the paper it 's written on
22 In part that reflects the promotion it 's received from its UK distributor .
23 ‘ We have been waiting for grants but there has been some debate about whether croquet is a sport because of the pace it 's played at . ’
24 For parents who 've already been helped by the society it 's proved to be lifeline .
25 . When you print from the cuts that you make in the plate it 's called intaglio printing .
26 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
27 All right then , it might just be a fabulous walk , but whatever the reason it 's helped wear a deep wide scar up the glen that the scenery could well do without .
28 Lick and stick stamps have been around since the 1840s , but by the turn of the century it 's thought self-adhesives will be the norm .
29 ‘ Theoretically , yes , but that 's unlikely to happen so long as the company is successful and the shareholders approve of the way it 's run . ’
30 Changes in the way it 's run are to be discussed at a meeting tonight , but details are n't being revealed until then .
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