Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would like to thank Paul Lucas , Bridget Nottingham and family , Tim and Steve Wallace , Richard Newcombe and Derek Whitefoot ( who supplied us with a stand ) for their help in erecting and dismantling the stand and their attendance during the event .
2 The music publisher represents the writer and their compositions .
3 The winner and their partner will spend the first week in Antigua , based at Hawksbill Bay , with its four magnificent beaches .
4 According to Mukařovský , all components of the text and their interrelationships ‘ are evaluated from the standpoint of the dominant ’ , which thus ‘ creates the unity of the work of poetry ’ ( Garvin 1964 : 20 — 1 ) .
5 Fuji , world renowned for quality film and processing , are leaders in the field of professional photography and as well as running photography schools where professionals can learn to improve their technical and creative skills , every year host the Fuji Wedding and Portrait Awards , offering valuable prizes to both the photographer and their subject , which could be you and your future husband .
6 In Piers Plowman , Will 's discovery of the reality of his salvation is inextricably bound up with his exasperation at the gap between the ideals of the faith and their realisation within the social fabric of Church and State .
7 The Corporation expressed their satisfaction with the endowment and their conviction that it would be ample for the purposes of the School .
8 The number of departments in the ministry and their functions changed frequently during the century ; but there was a general tendency for them to become more numerous .
9 Ho made contact with the OSS and their chief , Colonel Helliwell , who agreed to give supplies , arms and equipment in return for information .
10 THE University of Stirling Graduates ' Association was founded in the early 1970s to represent the interests of Stirling graduates on the University Conference and Court and to provide social and other activities for graduates to maintain their links with the University and their contemporaries .
11 The significance of these environments is more than just their friendly appearance to the user and their use of graphics rather than text standards .
12 It seems that when they were made to lie down in the back of the truck and their hands were tied behind them , Katrine remembers there being rags underneath her .
13 The first type of link between the fantasy representation and the world outside is that the fantasy materials — the characters in the play and their actions — are drawn from real life .
14 My task was to identify myself as much as possible with the personnel of the College and their activities in order to mitigate their hostility and pro-Axis leanings .
15 A fact which I regard as crucial to the decision of these appeals is stated by the special commissioner [ 1990 ] S.T.C. 6 , 11F–G , as follows : ‘ on the facts , the taxpayers ' sons occupied only surplus places at the college and their right to do so was entirely discretionary . ’
16 Quite suddenly all the guards jumped in , their tommy-guns banging against the sides of the carriage and their leather harness creaking , and the train chugged off at about fifteen miles an hour towards Bromberg .
17 Landlords and rich peasants were identified as the enemy and their power broken .
18 Like other unions we suffer from the severe loss of members due to unemployment and we are appalled at the devastation of family life when the breadwinner 's been sha cast on the scrap heap and the behaviour of the government it throws whole communities into depravity without a chance of any hope for the future and their children .
19 Apart from these few senior officers , however , policemen shared the loyalties of their population , and had a position which was independent of their membership of the force and their rank in it .
20 In general , links between impoverished peasants , landlords whose rent incomes were falling and junior officers were based on common opposition to the ‘ anti-social ’ actions of the zaibatsu and their allies .
21 The BDDA expressed their pride in the President and their gratitude with a medal of honour in 1968 .
22 They are shown moving up the figure and their RNR increases .
23 A list of the academic staff of the department and their research interests is appended .
24 Every council , er every councillor on this authority is of equal value to the people who elected them er and to the electorate and their role is very much diminished by anything to do with a er executive erm er government of that nature .
25 They continued on their way , the hiss of the wind and their horses ' hoofs the only sounds .
26 These case studies were largely chosen on the basis of the extent of community involvement in the research and their interest in further land-related actions .
27 They are the dishes invented or popularized by the bargemen of the Rhone and their wives , and by the proprietors of the humble inns and charcuteries who used to cater for the men who worked the inland waterways .
28 The apparently magical arrival of migratory birds in the spring and their disappearance in the autumn are just two of the many dramatic events which accompany the climatic variations during the year .
29 So they 've got to do something with it and at some time have a suitable return to the club and their forefathers who left this property .
30 ( 2 ) The conditions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above are : ( a ) that the premises of the club are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests of athletic sports or athletic games ; ( b ) that one or more of such sports or games is or are usually carried on out of doors and , when so carried on , can ( unless artificial lighting is used ) only be carried on during hours of daylight ; ( c ) that the said premises are regularly used , or are intended regularly to be used , during the winter period , for providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests , during the hours of daylight , of such a sport or game as is mentioned in paragraph ( ii ) above ; ( d ) that having regard to the time at which the said sport or game is usually carried on by members of the club and their guests , the permitted hours set out in section 53(3) of this Act are not suitable for the supply of alcoholic liquor in the said premises to persons who participate in that sport or game .
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