Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't even told the majority of my friends yet .
2 As far as wrinkles and saggy bits go , the majority of my friends look the same , and I do n't waste five hours on daily maintenance like Cher .
3 ‘ At some stage , when I stop playing competitively , I will need to make some sort of career decision about where the majority of my energies will go .
4 That perhaps it 's easier to do in a smaller department , I mean I 've got checkouts , and the majority of my staff are part-time , and I 've only got three full-timers , so it 's quite often the case that at nine thirty , one thirty , five thirty , eight thirty , it 's a case of coming in and then relieving somebody else straight away , you do n't necessarily have the time to spend with them .
5 Does my right hon. Friend accept that the majority of my constituents believe that what they voted for in the referendum on Europe was a single market , not a single currency ?
6 He climbs back into bed , grabs my breast and nuzzles me in the crook of my neck .
7 At the prompting of my friends I wrote back and asked them why not !
8 It was n't that I disliked , distrusted or in any way doubted the sympathy of my friends .
9 ‘ My courage is so high that it will uphold the weakness of my body , ’ he declared in a letter to his mother from Dunkirk .
10 She begins one sentence : ‘ Although I have no idea how I shall usefully fill the remainder of my life … ’
11 This was the way I passed through the remainder of my childhood .
12 The remainder of my trip includes stops in Hong Kong , Kuala Lumpur , Tokyo and Seoul .
13 As I sipped the remainder of my beer I reflected on the years that had past , the paddling trips we had done together and all the good times .
14 The remainder of my paper will deal with the extreme contrast between two South American groups , the Shavante and the Piaroa , in their respective valuation of male maturity .
15 In fact , she continued to look at me a bit strangely during the remainder of my stay in that department !
16 The remainder of my time with him was spent picking up tips on desert survival .
17 I doubt I 'll every do games for the remainder of my time in this school .
18 When Yeats first laid eyes on Maud Gonne , in 1889 , ‘ the trembling of my life began ’ , he said , ‘ I had never thought to see in a living creature so great beauty … it belonged to famous pictures , to poetry , to some legendary past . ’
19 First , the surgeon made a vertical three-inch cut upwards from the base of my palm .
20 I lie on my side in foetal position , while an extremely competent young doctor administers a local anaesthetic into the base of my spine .
21 I had the epidural injection in the base of my spine and then I was all rigged up to a machine so the nurses could monitor the baby 's movements .
22 There 's this fist of flesh at the base of my neck , which the men do n't yet have .
23 He turned his head slightly towards me and spoke in the direction of my tie .
24 But I slowly became aware that they were all looking at me — just the time that sergia became aware of the direction of my gaze .
25 Then Emily , following the direction of my gaze , watched the light , or lights , as they swayed through the trees towards us .
26 I realized that the odd muffled mumbling from the direction of my co-star before our first entrance was the sentence on the business-card .
27 I regard that day as determining the direction of my life for the next two years at least .
28 The direction of my opponent 's gaze , and Rainbow 's puzzlement , gives me the answer .
29 All dropping their little words in the direction of my bosses .
30 The more I thought about it , the shedding of my watch became symbolic , and I rejoiced accordingly .
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