Example sentences of "the [noun sg] he can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The financial needs of the family , the demands of a career and the needs of a father in his own right directly affect his availability to his children and have an indirect effect through the support he can offer his partner .
2 The Dent 's have appealed to their local MP in the hope he can reverse the decision .
3 I like to ‘ shoot ’ every Whaddon game and it is nothing for Jock to spend a whole weekend analysing , in minute detail , every little aspect of his instruction manual in the hope he can learn to operate the video machine .
4 He will have to argue , with all the ruthlessness he can muster , that evolution will betray the English part of the Labour party and will confine it to the periphery of British politics , rendering a future Labour government less likely .
5 Kelly said Blissett had been involved in an ordinary aerial challenge , the kind he can see 200 times in four games a week .
6 He may simply be an entrepreneur who perceives the opportunity to buy resources at a total cost lower than the revenue he can obtain from the sale of output .
7 If the white man wants to live in peace with the Indian he can live in peace .
8 ‘ I 've had sleepless nights but it 's the biggest day of his life and he needs all the help he can get , ’ he said .
9 And sadly he needs all the help he can get right now … starting tonight .
10 He wants to be a county cricketer and he 's ready to take all the help he can get . ’
11 EUROTUNNEL chairman Sir Alastair Morton is already planning for the moment he can step down from the £9 billion project .
12 because at the other side of the hill he can see well , life 's gon na be a lot easier
13 but the minute he can come home
14 he 's erm he 's a lot more intelligent than he lets on , and he 's one of these that lets all the others push him down , where at the end of the day he can turn round
15 My washing has to be hung out horizontally rather than vertically because given the chance he can bring down a row of wet towels in six seconds flat .
16 The sign on the door tells the visitor he can have a tooth extracted for a trifling sum .
17 Sometimes the tides run fast an' sometimes a man gets the feelin' 'e can swim across from shore ter shore with ease when it 's runnin' slow .
18 Finally , when he has taken in all the information he can assimilate , after a dramatic ‘ I will go ’ or after waking one morning knowing that the problem has solved itself in his sleep , he applies for his visa , resigns his job , packs his bags .
19 Today he wants all the information he can get about Miho Nakayama — a cute-as-a-button , up-and-coming idol .
20 Yeah It makes you wonder where the hell he can put them .
21 Soon after , she said wistfully : ‘ I am just very , very sad that someone with such ability is not able to serve his country in the way he can do best . ’
22 This intensely concentrated yet spacious journey-tale gives an impression of urgency by Masefield 's typical ‘ and-then ’ pattern and the energetic sequence of dangers and escapes which comply with the title ( Odtaa is ‘ One damned thing after another ’ ) — not as flippant a title as it might sound but an example of Masefield 's virtuosity in the way he can mix humour , tension and deep emotion without self-consciousness .
23 I just love the way he can play a note , just one note .
24 J. J. has just shown you his one real skill — the way he can judge the mood of an audience and play it like a violin .
25 VS Pritchett 's fan included James Wood of the Guardian , while John Walsh , literary editor of the Sunday Times , plumped for Anthony Burgess ( ‘ I love the way he can use the word ‘ onion ’ three times in one sentence ’ ) .
26 Lastly , perhaps the biggest danger of electronic coursework is the possibility of a virus attack , but if the marker is aware of the problem he can take reasonable preventive measures .
27 Nancy 's method of coaxing is to tell the individual he can do it and , if he follows Nancy , he will do it , ‘ I always succeed ’ she assures me .
28 One of the things the kid 's got to do learn his language sentence and in the context he can figure out what the sentence has to mean , like radical interpretation kid , the kid is sitting playing on the floor , a rabbit 's bounced by and the mother goes .
29 Mr Powell was never to regain any sizeable base among Conservative MPs but Mr Tebbit , after leaving the Cabinet , has proved again and again that when combining with Mr Michael Heseltine or other factions within the party he can rally a significant number of MPs .
30 She is infatuated with a handsome police chief , goes rather grimly to bed with him in the time he can spare from gambling sessions , and then kills herself .
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