Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that [vb -s] him " in BNC.

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1 And he oh that 's , that 's a free life for them , you punch it and it 's the ghost that kills him , you ca n't get away from the ghost .
2 Next week the feet that danced on canvas will stamp on pedals in the Lombard RAC Rally , but even the loudest engine roar can not drown out the fear that haunts him .
3 He 's had one of his rare vivid nightmares ; the sort that has him lying rigid in bed , blind eyes wide open , yelling ‘ No !
4 Their captain ( for so I must term him — though their forces understand no battle order and hurl themselves pell-mell on us like mere animals who must quench their parched throats with blood ) , a certain youth who is called Dulay to his people , with a trick of the eye that makes him seem to look at you and yet not see you ( and other tricks beside — I have seen this same swart creature climb a ladder into the air as if it were a tree planted there foursquare ) , we apprehended as he fled from our justice .
5 Bias may creep in through the wording of questions ( which may be ambiguous , unintelligible or suggestive of a particular answer ) , through the careless recording of answers , through the interviewer 's ( perhaps unwitting ) influence over response-patterns and through a general failure of the interviewer to establish the kind of rapport with the respondent that enables him or her to give truthful answers on personal matters .
6 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
7 Talking to Stan about fossil hunting makes you aware of the passion that drives him on .
8 Steve , with the instinct that marks him out as a real mountaineer , not just a climber , had searched for and seen an abseil that avoided the First Brittle Ice Traverse , It took us past the Pocket Hanging Glacier seracs , where the ropes twisted into corkscrews and jammed tight .
9 This is the profound hope and certainty , that there are ways for every type of intellect and it is necessary only for each one to find the method that suits him .
10 as if it was n't bad enough there was there was there 's the cock crowing in the background , and in column two we have the picture of Peter er smiling and confident , welcoming just like the Spirit that imbues him really .
11 So we share his horror as he observes in himself , experiences almost passively — as if it were happening to someone else — the emergence of the tempting desire to murder Duncan ( ‘ suggestion ’ still had the sense of diabolic temptation ) : There , with amazing speed , and as if parenthetically ( ‘ whose murder yet ’ ) we become privy to the secret that sets him apart from the others on stage , the goal to which all his energies will ultimately be directed .
12 I might argue that a particular capitalist economist is so embedded in the political and economic structure of the society that employs him that he fails to represent adequately the challenge levelled by ‘ political economy ’ to the perspective he purveys , and thus fails to take into account multiple points of view .
13 From our three-dimensional vantage the curvature that eludes him is obvious .
14 I will give him sharp orders , he thought , and bring him up on a short rein ; and I will see him come to terms , and kiss the hand that curbs him .
15 If Morrissey mocks the hand that feeds him , let he himself be mocked by the words that serenade him : ‘ This is the last song that I 'll ever sing — well I 've changed my mind again .
16 It 's not the severity that worries him but his inability to universalize the verdict and therefore take it to himself as he can take ‘ Vous l'avez voulu , Georges Dandin , ’ the thing of Molière 's Dostoevsky liked to quote .
17 So dressed and fed , he bites with sarcasm and slashes with ridicule the class that despises him . ’
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