Example sentences of "the [noun sg] i [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 Once I reached the ski-road I thought I was ‘ home and dry ’ , until turning a bend I was confronted by a bull .
2 Having taught English Literature for a long time in universities , on both sides of the Atlantic , and having spent some years pondering the questions raised in this book , I have come to some very tentative conclusions about what might be done ; they are not , I might add , of the kind I thought I would come to when I began working on it .
3 ‘ Well , how would you feel if at some point in the future I said I wanted to go back to Australia ? ’
4 Above the sad , complaining sounds of the wind I thought I heard a far-off cry .
5 But I used it as little as I could , though if the wind stayed in the south-west I thought I 'd probably have to use it for the later part of today 's outing .
6 Do you know , when I went , last one , with the club I thought I 'm not going again !
7 What I want to do wha with the bulldozer I got I would like to poke it that shovel one .
8 Then when he followed you down the corridor I thought I 'd better make sure you were alright . ’
9 But I never forgot the name McCloy and when Charlie got so cocky in the pub I thought I 'd needle him a bit .
10 From the moment I arrived I was immensely impressed by the pomp and the ceremony which surrounded my uncle as Viceroy , fascinated by the splendour of the bodyguard , and the varied liveries and elaborate turbans of the doorkeepers , messengers , coachmen , household servants and other functionaries .
11 I can remember the moment I decided I wanted to be a politician really quite well .
12 As I entered the room I wished I 'd thought of phoning a desperate SOS to James .
13 After the war I vowed I would never wear a white tie again , and never have , I dislike it so much ; so , having been informed that most of those below the salt would be wearing black ties anyway , I put on my Kennedy tartan smoking jacket with green velvet facings which I had recently had made and of which I was sure that Sir Walter , who often wore a plaid , would have approved .
14 To underline the point I thought I 'd show you this four year average one thing that the exercise shows is that between them our book , entertainment and fine china businesses normally account for about seven percent of Pearson 's annual profit in their first half and for about thirty three percent of our profit in the full year .
15 I said and that 's why cos Paul said to me , he said , I never hear you moan , I said look you wo n't hear me moan because it 's not that I enjoy the job I hate the job I said I hate the work , and I find it hard work but at the end of the day on a Friday , I know that six o'clock in the morning on a Friday I can go up to the Nationwide Anglia , slip my card in there and I know there 's gon na be a couple of hundred of quid in there with the
16 I was shaking and sweating so much in the confessional I thought I was going to faint .
17 Three helico , oh , or helicopters went over three times in the night I thought I was gon na raped and pillaged but no luck !
18 The night I arrived I was walking around the streets on my own looking for work .
19 Although I slipped in the odd prop or two , and tried to bend briefs towards my interests , on the whole I felt I watched from the sidelines as the plethora of ecology and natural history books of the 1980s appeared .
20 But then , I was ready ter do all o' those fings the day I said I 'd marry yer .
21 Because you did not meet the deadline and you 've just told me that deadline means the day I said I wanted it .
22 I was n't inclined to linger anyway ; the day I arrived I caught a bus in the square which just happened to have Collioure on the front .
23 Imagine if he found out that the frock I claimed I 'd bought two years ago in a closing-down sale had , in fact , arrived in my wardrobe a little over two weeks ago , having been purchased from a smart department store ?
24 So , back to the typing I knew I would go , but at least now I could see an end to it .
25 There were , in any case , various aspects to the matter I felt I needed to clarify to myself before proceeding further .
26 In my rejection of the image I saw I was making a statement , the apparent text of which read , ‘ I do n't want to look like ( be ) that . ’
27 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
28 The first time we made love , I started out believing I hated you , but when we … by the end I knew I did n't really , and that I loved you .
29 " I 've thought and thought and in the end I decided I 'd have to leave .
30 I felt guilty — after all , they had trained me — but in the end I saw so many of my friends making the move , I saw them working in better conditions , earning so much more for fewer hours , ’ she grimaced , ‘ in the end I decided I 'd be crazy not to join them . ’
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