Example sentences of "the [noun sg] it [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The verdict It wants greasin ’ was repeated to the dealer ; but as he was a Suffolk man himself he summed up the situation in a moment .
2 But such dramatic descent to Sheol , the land of the dead they believed to be beneath the earth , could not in any way be expected , and in the story it causes panic .
3 Should the ego fail to satisfy the id it becomes prey to neurotic anxiety arising out of the strength of its instinctual drives ; if it fails the superego it is subject to moral anxiety ; and if it can not meet the demands of the outside world it is likely to experience realistic anxiety .
4 As the marble attempts to surmount the obstacle it looses speed .
5 Within the business it guaranteed capital , perhaps useful business contacts , and above all reliable managers .
6 Couple of years after the war it got sort er bit more freer , you see .
7 After the service it took time for the galleries to empty .
8 At first in the shadow of the wall it seemed pitch black , but his eyes rapidly adjusted to the light , or lack of it .
9 Around the back it sports twinax , coax and local network connections , and comes with a solid state disk and built in 3270 and AS/400 emulations .
10 And it was pink paper and at the top it had space for your parent 's signature so that when you 've done the work your parents had
11 In September the Ivoirien government cut the price it paid cocoa farmers for the second time since July , to CFA200 per kilogramme ( £368 a tonne ) .
12 The logic of party competition , regular electoral successes by socialist and social democratic parties , rational administration and the control it gives party elites over the state machine have all contributed to the degree of centralization in liberal democracies .
13 When it was on the ground it looked kind of lost .
14 It implies that the ‘ content ’ of a course may be intimately intertwined with its ‘ process ’ : the way it is taught , the staff who teach it , the environment it takes place in .
15 And he said as he drove off down the road it went rattle rattle rattle rattle and there were these hole little holes in the side of his van . .
16 For the Greek it meant student , pupil or apprentice .
17 It went to the womb it met knife
18 It went to the womb it met maggot and rottenness
19 It went to the womb it met blood
20 But the friendliness and common sense of ordinary players , the humour , excitement , and the fin it affords offer reasonable grounds for hope .
21 But , melancholy as the deserted and shattered city might seem to a casual visitor , to men out of the line it spelled life .
22 The loyalty that he inspired was genuine , but in the end it became self-defeating , as Kinnock himself realised — witness his damaging refusal to state his own position on electoral reform , lest it should close off discussion .
23 It suggests that Microsoft is engaging in anti-competitive behaviour in the way it sells DOS to hardware manufacturers , and in the way it uses its lead in the operating systems business to gain advantages with its apps software .
24 In retrospect , one can see far better than even he could see at the time how deeply the logic of the ‘ New Theology ’ , biblical and historical rather than scholastic , was bound to challenge the whole shape of the contemporary Church and the way it perceived orthodoxy .
25 It is clear that the organisation of the NHS — the way it delivers health care to the individual patient — also needs to be reformed … .
26 For him , myth is a concentrated image of the world , which is serious and effective notwithstanding the way it breaches causality by introducing miracles .
27 ‘ The initial attraction was advertising , ’ he says , ‘ and particularly the way it achieved communication in such a slick way .
28 The Government is changing the way it manages health care , at the moment the Regional health Authorities oversee the work done by the smaller district health Authorities .
29 BATTERED by low prices for oil and gas , Bow Valley Industries , an energy company based in Calgary , Alberta , with sales of C$142m ( $100m ) in 1992 , decided two years ago to rethink the way it did business .
30 The Hudson 's Bay Company would have had to change the way it did business completely if it wanted to convert its coastal settlements to which Indians came to sell their furs into bases from which fur trading parties went into the interior .
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