Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The provision of up to date trading information is an area which requires careful thought .
2 An agreement involving the provision of up to US$15,000,000 in US technical assistance , to help Russia store safely nuclear material from scrapped bombs and rockets , was signed in Washington on Oct. 6 .
3 He claims he has the support of up to 30 Tory MPs — enough to defeat the Government , which has a much smaller majority .
4 After the second round of voting the Popular Front was claiming the support of up to 121 deputies , thus needing to win only another 14 seats in repeat elections to achieve its goal .
5 In South Africa , trophy hunters can sell the jaw for up to $5,000 .
6 Detectives also found bales of dried herbal cannabis from a previous crop and believe the isolated spot had been used to produce the drug for up to a decade .
7 During his visit Jordanian officials asked Joxe to " re-examine " a 1988 contract for the purchase of up to 20 Mirage 2000 multi-role combat aircraft [ see p. 36122 ] .
8 He went on to celebrate mass on the Letna Plain in Prague in the presence of up to 1,500,000 people .
9 This species grows quite large in the wild at up to 20cm , but it rarely achieves such proportions in the aquarium .
10 Boost : If your hair is particularly dry it will benefit from a deep conditioning treatment , which is left on the hair for up to 30 minutes .
11 The Moroccan Interior Ministry had on Jan. 2 warned of an environmental catastrophe of " tragic proportions " and the loss of up to 100,000 jobs in the fishing and tourism industries .
12 , Scientists at the Dutch Central Veterinary Institute claim to have isolated the cause of the Mystery Reproductive Syndrome ( MRS ) disease which has been sweeping pig herds across much of western Europe over the past few months , leading to the loss of up to 10 per cent of offspring in some herds .
13 An RAF base is to close with the loss of up to 140 civilian jobs .
14 It is one of seven centres across the country which will close with the loss of up to 1,000 jobs .
15 In May 1984 the British government granted a licence and planning permission for the extraction of up to one and half million tonnes of lignite a year to Northern Strip Mining , part of the British Burnett and Hallamshire group .
16 South West Water , for example , suggests a family of two use between 90 and 136 cubic metres a year , while Severn Trent puts the figure at up to 149 cubic metres .
17 The primary purpose of the GSP is to produce a comprehensive database on the concentration of up to 30 elements in stream sediments ( or soil samples in the absence of drainage ) collected at an average density of I per km² ; throughout Great Britain .
18 It will be short of being directly at right angles to the flyer by up to 30 degrees due to the contribution of gravity working at 90 degrees to the lift force ; but never mind about that , the demonstration illustrates how the flight envelope embraces a wide band of air .
19 As part of its programme of research connected with the Second Work-Place Industrial Relations Survey , the ESRC has sponsored the study of up to twelve studies of company industrial relations policies and strategies .
20 The parents then feed the chick for up to a year .
21 Nonetheless this was expected to facilitate the readmission of up to 20,000 exiled members of the ANC and other groups .
22 When the engine is hot and if I stop the engine for up to half an hour I get a smell of petrol in the cab and upon setting off again I experience severe fuel starvation causing the engine to stop unless travelling fast on an open road .
23 Both Tatars and Bashkirs claimed full union republican status , in the autumn of 1990 , and complained of the management of up to 97 per cent of their oil-rich economy by outside agencies .
24 ( The Children Act 1989 has abolished a rarely used power in section 40(1) of the Education Act 1944 to imprison the parent for up to one month . )
25 They are part of a 50-strong bank of volunteers from Hampshire , Surrey , Kent and Yorkshire , who are driving the 2,000 miles across Eastern Europe , to the home for up to 150 children aged between three and 16 .
26 Before the vote , Lord Owen said bravely that rejection by the Bosnian Serb parliament of the plan that he and Cyrus Vance had drafted would be only ‘ a temporary setback ’ and that planning for the deployment of up to 75,000 peacekeepers would go ahead .
27 In March 1989 a set of directives on economic relations between the USSR and its constituent republics was published , which called for the transfer of up to 36 per cent of industrial production to local control ( the existing figure was only 5 per cent ) , with much higher levels — up to 72 per cent — in Georgia and the Baltic republics .
28 Officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) were reported on Dec. 28 to have said that Kuwait was delaying the return of up to 4,000 Bedoun ( inhabitants of Kuwait without Iraqi citizenship ) from Iraq .
29 The court 's decision cleared the way for the university authorities to approve in principal the raising of up to £5 million through the disposal of either a 16th-century bronze , Cain and Abel by de Vries , or a 17th-century landscape , The Banks of a River by van Ruisdael .
30 The UN Security Council was reported at a closed session on Nov. 25 to have accepted the conclusions of a report by Boutros-Ghali which described existing UN policy in Somalia as untenable in view of the looting of up to 80 per cent of aid and attacks on relief workers , as well as the shelling by armed groups on Nov. 24 of a UN-chartered grain ship approaching Mogadishu harbour .
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