Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The intimacy of the Stuart brothers with George III was much disliked by the House of Commons .
2 Nkumbula 's lack of vigour in attacking the Federation , once established , and in supporting participation in the elections for the Legislative Council in 1958 led to the breakaway from the ANC of Kaunda , Simon Kapwepwe and others who set up the United National Independence Party ( UNIP ) in 1959 .
3 The eventual result was the breakaway from the NUM of a new union , the Union of Democratic Mineworkers , with a membership of close to 30,000 .
4 Armed forces : The Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
5 Armed forces : the Netherlands is responsible for the defence of the Netherlands Antilles .
6 MALONE begin the defence of the Ulster Senior Cup title amid a host of problems when they undertake a repeat of last year 's final against North at Ormeau .
7 To be fair , the Eighth Army was in a state of some confusion and was having to plan the defence of the Nile Delta .
8 Then , at midnight on Tuesday , Hitler announced the formation of a Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich , under the presidency of Hermann Goering .
9 THE Bush Administration stressed four legal justifications on Wednesday for its invasion of Panama : the protection of American lives , the defence of the Panama Canal , the backing of the country 's ‘ democratically elected ’ officials , and the pursuit of an indicted US drug criminal — namely , General Noriega .
10 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
11 Until the RAF was carrying atomic bombs , the First Pillar of British grand strategy — the defence of the United Kingdom — depended upon the US Strategic Air Command .
12 The British Chiefs of Staff at last committed themselves on paper to the defence of the Rhine as " the first pillar " of allied strategy .
13 In so far as Anselm had a policy as archbishop beyond the pastoral duties outlined in Gregory the Great 's Regula Pastoralis , the defence of the Canterbury primacy formed its foundation and the legislation of his two primatial Councils were its crowning achievement .
14 Other responsibilities for defence and security would include : ( i ) declaring general or partial mobilization , a state of war " in the event of a military attack on the USSR " ( subject to immediate referral to the USSR Supreme Soviet ) , or martial law in specific localities " in the interest of the defence of the USSR and the security of its citizens " ; ( ii ) giving warning of the declaration of a state of emergency in particular localities " in the interests of safeguarding citizens ' security " , and proceeding with such a declaration " at the request or with the consent of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet or supreme body of state power of the affected union republic " .
15 The demands made upon England , in money and manpower , for the defence of the Angevin inheritance are well known and have been intensively studied .
16 IN part two : The defence of the Realm.Is it now just a battle for jobs ?
17 With the death of Olybrius and the appointment of Julius Nepos the Burgundians under Chilperic found themselves in opposition to the emperor ; presumably they withdrew from any involvement in the defence of the Auvergne .
18 The squad for the defence of the Tyrone Crystal Trophy at the British Universities Sports Federation 's annual championship in Jordanstown , Northern Ireland ( 29-31 March ) has been named .
19 In Chapters 2 and 3 of this book , case studies of the response of an Oxfordshire primary and secondary school to the Oxfordshire scheme for school self-evaluation ( SSE ) are presented .
20 The response of the COS to recognition that a proportion of poverty was due to the overstocked state of the labour market was to try to ensure that the available jobs went to the respectable and self-helping , who would serve as an example to others .
21 The response of the London County Council to the 1944 Act had been to propose ‘ a system of comprehensive high schools ’ .
22 The response of the C-R circuit of figure 8.3(b) is clearly complementary to that of figure 8.3(a) ; it acts as a high-pass filter .
23 The response of the Moscow city soviet presidium to Pugo 's decree raised the prospect of rival police forces in the capital .
24 Uproar on Jan. 2 followed the revelation that the Minister for Law and Justice , Subramanian Swamy , had threatened the arrest of the Speaker , Rabi Ray , unless he accepted a High Court decision and extended indefinitely the deadline for the response of the JD(S) members to the disqualification proceedings .
25 But nothing in the response of the Al Fayeds ' advisers , for all its bluster and menace , rebutted my basic case or added one jot of information to explain the origins of the brothers ' wealth .
26 The response of the CNAA officer who visited Brighton was ‘ frankly incredulous … the position in Brighton is a difficult one and an unpromising basis for the launching of a new polytechnic ’ .
27 With so few studies of the impact of severe floods on river life , knowing how typical the response of the Araglin is could be anybody 's guess .
28 The response of the APB has been an overreaction .
29 An early bid for Latin American leadership , this , too , could be discounted as a propaganda gesture ( and , indeed , such was the response of the US administration ) .
30 The Response of the Sinner and Interpretations for Today
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