Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] our [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of our visitors are at present local ie Edinburgh and Lothians ( 63% ) .
2 President Ibrahim Babangida of Nigeria said that Africa had failed to meet its challenges : " Ever since the majority of our countries became independent in the 1960s we have conducted our lives as if the world owes us a living . "
3 Firmly established as a class , the majority of our yawls built 40 to 50 years ago are still sailing .
4 Further , since the previous examination record of the majority of our students was the minimum required , we could anticipate few B.Ed candidates — even if students ' response to what we had to offer proved to be very satisfactory indeed .
5 While it is true that the majority of our students continue from the degree into the legal profession , a sizeable proportion do not .
6 We did n't want there to be any confusion so that people would automatically put us all into public services , because the majority of our members should n't be in that section .
7 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
8 We do n't charge extra for coffee , service or bread , which is home-made and devoured in vast quantities , and the majority of our customers leave a generous gratuity , obviously happy with the meal and service .
9 Our middle grade hotels are the most popular choice for the majority of our customers .
10 Without functioning gallery premises it will not be possible to represent the majority of our artists .
11 The truth is that they 're so often used as fast turnover test beds for review equipment , and new fishkeeping ideas , that they are probably less interesting than the majority of our readers ' tanks .
12 However , we have held rates steady for the majority of our policyholders and , in some areas , have even reduced them .
13 Chairman Laurence Orbach said it was ‘ the first occasion that we experienced poor conditions in the majority of our markets . ’
14 The majority of our buildings were built in the 60s and 70s and many of these installations are coming to the end of their life , ’ said Mr Eyton-Jones .
15 This subject has been debated many times over many years and , after much deliberation , it was felt less confusing to say ‘ Basket Only ’ rather than stipulate a specific number of items [ at least for the majority of our stores ] as this tended to cause confrontations between some cashiers and customers as to the quantity of items in the basket .
16 They sat astonished as Sir Claus Moser , head of the National Commission on Education , told them : ‘ The majority of our children are in schools which you would n't want to be associated with .
17 And in many ways I do n't think it 's important , and I , I think that in the majority of our children with those kinds of difficulties you find the two in association , and you ca n't work on one without working on the other .
18 While acknowledging the value of this leaflet , it was agreed that a clear statement of our convictions and intentions would be welcomed by the majority of our supporters .
19 In the majority of our patients , however , repeat lithotripsy sessions were necessary to obtain an acceptable fragmentation .
20 The increases of £2.15 or £3.45 that have been announced for next April are not enough in terms of the basic state pension , which supplies most of the income for the majority of our pensioners .
21 We have not won any Oscars , but the majority of our recommendations notched up gains of between 20% and 60% .
22 The majority of our trainees are hoping for a career in care , and we hope that many will be going on to further education at the end of the year .
23 If we claim our interest is to focus on the writing produced only by a sophisticated elite , and that we determine the best literature is that which , in terms of generic structure , subject , and eloquent rhetoric , concerns itself with the preoccupations of males who have a high social and political standing , then the traditional canon will serve the majority of our needs .
24 Chief Superintendent Alan Jones , head of West Midlands police training , said : ‘ The majority of our drivers are highly skilled and would doubtless be dismayed by these comments . ’
25 Thus the remainder of our laws for SEQ are cast in binary form .
26 The remainder of our stores will be converted over the next two years .
27 ‘ We had informed the ACU of our plans and were told there was no objection ’ , Ernie told me , ‘ but then we received news that Mark would not be accepted for the Superteen because he did n't have a restricted licence and he had also scored points in the previous year 's British championship .
28 All are tied to the enigma of death , and to the complexity of our feelings when faced with historic events .
29 Marketing manager David Stewart said : ‘ Finaghy is the link between our branches in Stranmillis and Andersonstown and out to the Lisburn area .
30 As parents we see the change in our children .
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