Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] give [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The money Danica gave my mother was not enough to buy one of the better sorts of bicycle , but it was no good buying a cheap one as it would have to last me for years .
2 The Parlour Performers give their services free for charity and Bumpstead branch can recommend them highly .
3 The Kellaway family gave their name to this house and the now tiny hamlet , when they were the lords of the manor in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries .
4 The freedom Storia gives its contributors is its strength and its weakness .
5 Magistrates then asked Elsworth to step into the witness box to give his case and to show justice was done .
6 On the way home the recorded voice on the car radio gave its weathered , sweet , mellow report of the day 's play .
7 provides opportunities to the programme staff to give their inputs in the decision-making process ;
8 Finally , the review board gives its own separate opinion to the Secretary of State who orders both the inspector 's report and the review board 's report to be published , and this is done within the same cover .
9 She should have realised , there and then , by the glance Charlotte gave her husband and the way in which he refused to meet it , that her plan to accompany them was a bone of contention .
10 The boss nurse gave her two minutes and told her not to talk .
11 The Swann Committee had also noted ‘ the views expressed very clearly to us at our various meetings with parents from the whole range of ethnic minority groups that they want and indeed expect the education system to give their children above all a good command of English as rapidly as possible ’ .
12 A teacher from an urban school in the Soyapango region gave her perspective :
13 I 've been and watched and contributed to some degree , erm or at least in listening to the reports of governors at the school , erm , in the allocation of some of their contracts , which of course include some being let under L M S and some being let under G M S , with regard to building and cleaning , they were very disappointed with the presentation that the D S O gave , and even though the D S O was eight thousand pounds less than the competing bidder , O C S , they gave the contract to O C S , and a report has had to be made to the district auditor to give their reasons .
14 A further paragraph in this message in which the State Department gave its views on the proposal to hand-over the Cossacks we shall come to in Chapter Six , but in respect of the Yugoslavs the State Department was ruling that , whether they were Chetniks or not in conformity with agreed allied policy they should not be handed over and the Supreme Allied Commander was to be left in no doubt of the State Department 's view .
15 With just two minutes to go , the striker unleashed an explosive drive from the edge of the penalty box to give his side the spoils in a tightly-fought final .
16 The situation was abnormal in that the substance of the bill had been agreed between the two frontbenches , but when the inter-party talks broke down ( over a Rhodesian order ) , the Shadow Cabinet gave their members a free vote and a group of them resisted the measure .
17 The affair came to a head in a series of by-elections in the early 1930s in which the press barons gave their support to Empire Crusade candidates in their fight against the official Conservative central office candidates .
18 This is similar to that of the mother cat giving her kittens a mouse , but it goes a step further , because Ricci usually abandons her own hammer to Nina .
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