Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] i was " in BNC.

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1 I put a paper to the board saying I was not sure we could overcome all the difficulties and we might in the event have to quit the business altogether .
2 So in the end , even the chairman agreed I was right .
3 BELVILLE : [ desperately ] Once the Countess discovered I was married she resolved we should enter into a system devoted to Platonic Love , in which sex was to have no manner of concern …
4 The boss knew I was worked to death , and not wanting to lose me said , ‘ Mick , you take a few days rest .
5 The unnatural silence in the Home showed I was last out .
6 Mr Nesbit , who took this decision , said : ‘ When the match ended I was conscious of part of the Sunderland crowd starting to leave the stadium and if the team had come out people attempting to leave might have tried to return and this could have led to conflict on the steep Spion Kop terraces . ’
7 By the time the phone rang I was well beneath the label .
8 I had drunk too much and woke in the night knowing I was damned .
9 I knew what I was doing ; I was thoroughly prepared ; but that did n't mean that when the day came I was n't in a state of nervous collapse .
10 As the debate continued I was to hear it again and again .
11 After all , the owner knew I was writing for Harpers & Queen .
12 ‘ But the colonel said I was n't to leave you here to brood . ’
13 When the call came I was just about to bite into his huge triple layer sandwich .
14 I dropped down from the loch only to find that the terrain was considerably steeper than I recalled on the way up , although the compass said I was doing fine .
15 The man thought I was a thief , Lori , ’ she said shortly .
16 He The gaffer felt I was upset because I was not in the side , but I 've had a virus .
17 The gaffer said I was going to be an economist , and that was that . ’
18 then it was something else and I honestly thought the doctor thought I was cracked !
19 We were both still 16 when the doctor confirmed I was pregnant .
20 The nurse said I was very good company , which I thought was praise indeed for a guy who had just had a coronary thrombosis .
21 One look and the family decided I was once again on the way out .
22 After the Christmas break I was unable in the world cup at Garmisch to build on my FIS race result .
23 It probably fooled the listeners as only the presenter knew I was actually in the studio .
24 But it was of no avail , and as the time passed I was the unwilling witness of the gradual transition from heartiness to silence , then to something like panic .
25 I asked for 15 rehearsals for the Benvenuto Cellini in Geneva ( in February ) and both the orchestra manager and the intendant at the house thought I was crazy .
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