Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The porter brought me the message .
2 I was bending my brains to think of a way of introducing Brian Harley into the conversation when the television monitor in the corner of the tent gave me the ideal opportunity .
3 His comments were useful because they provide us all with the opportunity to see what the Opposition have in mind and the approach that they will take in the run-up to the next election and if they were ever to be elected to government .
4 In addition , his setting out the poet 's connection with the primitive gave him the status of a societal elder , one who , lecturing in America , would pronounce on literature and society as Arnold had done less than fifty years before him .
5 HDS claims the award makes it the largest supplier of X-terminals for commercial applications in the business , a new area for the things .
6 Sometimes , he said we used to take them motorway he said to junction whatever at Dover and they 'd be somebody waiting there with the money give us the car we 'd go back to London and they 'd just take it up the .
7 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
8 Why was n't the computer telling me the answer ?
9 The clerk handed him the envelope .
10 The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling .
11 If the taxpayer understood what the Government are planning with this privatisation and what they are doing to the coal industry , there would be no doubt what would happen at the next general election .
12 ‘ I hope and pray that the decision to give me the Nobel Peace Prize will encourage all those who pursue the cause of peace to do so in a renewed spirit of optimism and strength . ’
13 Scott 's first letter had been an appalling error , and it would seem sufficient reason why Donaldson should suggest reversing the decision to award him the Gold Medal , but Scott , when drafting his Recollections in later years , looked for further motives behind Donaldson 's action as he could not ‘ reconcile it with the character and generosity which Donaldson has usually evinced ’ .
14 Someone claiming to be in the know told us the other day that the reason DEC president Robert Palmer never showed up at that mammoth Unix strategy briefing session the company put the press and analyst corp through back in February was that he saw the rehearsals and did n't want to be associated with it .
15 ‘ I did n't particularly enjoy being a guest of Her Majesty but the experience gave me the chance to get my priorities straight , ’ he said .
16 Good , Example three where you 've got a joint life policy , the male gives you the page name , the female will give you the , because it will say joint life , and it will have the female age in groups .
17 And if somehow or other the , the , the whole of that er , erm , number nine , including the can be deferred , and I believe it should be , then that is what I would wish to happen , I would wish Mr to continue to have the freedom to see what the options are for this county council .
18 The Times recorded that this was their sixth partnership of over 150 ; the Telegraph that it was their seventh century stand ; while the Guardian made it the eighth .
19 ‘ But the driver told her the cost had risen by 1p the previous day .
20 D.C.L. degree by Oxford University and the College gave me the honour of welcoming her with flowers ’ .
21 As the dreamsun showed us the insubstantial outlines of the City down in the valley , we faded to white .
22 On 1 November 1990 , Norwich Union wrote to the applicant telling him the effect of the intervention notice , and saying :
23 The action gave her the moments she needed to adjust , to assess her own feelings .
24 The oxygen isotonic ratios of the coral tell us the water temperature at the time the coral was growing .
25 He drew out a sturdy transparent plastic inner bag and held it up to the light to show me the contents .
26 The youngster 's inclusion in the side earned him the name ‘ Boy Bastin' , as seventeen-year-olds in League football were much scarcer than now , and Bastin was in a class of his own with the fierceness of his shot , as a teaser of defences and as an expert penalty-taker .
27 And we have more plans for the future to make it the ultimate private leisure club .
28 Today the Echo offers you the chance to become one of the big match mascots .
29 Whether working in small or large groups , encourage the chldren to think what the space they are working in represents .
30 The drawing shows what the city and port was like in about 1200 AD .
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