Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb mod] [be] like " in BNC.

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1 Continued economic expansion and the widespread belief that Keynesian economic techniques provided governments with an effective tool for managing the economy had engendered the belief that the future would be like the present , but better , that economic growth would simply continue into the indefinite future , bringing more and greater benefits to all segments of society .
2 Your belief , as I understand it , is that we should accept not knowing what the future will be like and that we should trust in the abilities of ourselves , and of everyone else , to be surprised by what happenS , to be changed by it , and to be able to react in new ways that at present we do not know ?
3 There is no sense here of any engagement with the writer on what the script should be like , nor does Hepworth anticipate substantial work being done on the text after his initial moments of introspection .
4 I , however was lost in a daydream wondering what the Queen would be like .
5 It is impossible to say how many until we know what the winter will be like .
6 ‘ What do you think the terrain will be like ? ’
7 worries about nature versus nurture , fears that the child will be like birth parents in behaviour or temperament ;
8 The room would be like Aladdin 's cave to such a girl as Joanna — fine clothes , the glint of plate , the stack of linen , the magnificent dressing-case , the several pairs of boots , the hats , the books , fobs , silks , glow of guineas on the writing table ; he went to the window and did not turn around when she entered .
9 Ianthe was trying to imagine what the room would be like and where exactly the house would be but somehow did not like to ask for further details .
10 The task the reader is set is rather like that of completing a jigsaw puzzle , where we are given a few pieces at a time , and have to keep guessing what the rest of the picture will be like .
11 Just ask yourself what the best person for the job will be like .
12 One imagines , probably quite wrongly , that the moon must be like the wilder areas of Sutherland .
13 If the water is very low when you are constructing your map it is worth trying to imagine what the water will be like during a winter flood .
14 MB 's is wearing clothes that do not fit in the first example eg. This time he refers to the good opinions that people have of him as new clothes and killing the king would be like throwing away hardly worn clothes .
15 HAVING TRAVELLED over 150 miles each way to see Nirvana at the London Astoria last Wednesday , I was interested to see what the event would be like regarding ‘ crusties ’ , T-shirt prices and security at the ‘ notorious ’ Astoria .
16 HAVING TRAVELLED over 150 miles each way to see Nirvana at the London Astoria last Wednesday , I was interested to see what the event would be like regarding ‘ crusties ’ , T-shirt prices and security at the ‘ notorious ’ Astoria .
17 God alone knew what the traffic would be like on the freeway , through the mean streets of Edgware , down to the inferno that was the A406 , on through gloomy Tolworth and Chessington , out to the no-man's-land that was Leatherhead .
18 ‘ But it was three-and-a-half years in development and nobody could foresee at the start what the economy would be like now .
19 Driving or walking around the sculpture will be like turning a model in space — the apparent contradictions transforming themselves into new realities .
20 Long political screeds were attached about what the paper should be like , pleading justifications of position and talent .
22 Unless its practices are to arise totally spontaneously out of the ‘ innate ’ qualities of the new media , it is hard to see how this is to occur or what the music will be like .
23 The theatre is at it 's best being spectacular and for experimental new plays — I certainly do n't think the theatre should be like television .
24 For this to happen the Church must be like a beacon shining through the darkness , an example of love and justice to the rest of society .
25 In Synod , it was declared that to admit women to the priesthood would be like admitting a virus into the bloodstream .
26 so you could pull it up and down and the effects went out the bottom of the tube , the tube came up like that and it came over , and like that and then the shade would be like that and then you could swing it round
27 Without that the royal authority could not be exercised , and the realm would be like a ship lacking a rudder .
28 Normally , the pool would be like the proverbial dry gin — thanks to a device known as the ‘ Eradicator ’ .
29 You 'd be on the line for a certain amount of publicity , but I 've been looking at today 's papers and it seems you 've already had a taste of what the Press can be like … ’
30 When I read a book or saw a play or studied a synopsis , there came into my mental vision a fairly detailed and consecutive pattern of what the film would be like .
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