Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Army is expected to officially take over the base later this year .
2 Though their controller of programmes in Scotland indicated , in an interview he gave The Scotsman earlier this year , that many of the aims and aspirations of the Scottish task force had been incorporated , in his view , in the final version of ‘ Extending Choice ’ , John Birt 's mission statement for the future of the BBC .
3 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
4 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
5 Mr Harris says he hopes to leave the hospice later this month .
6 The prints by Whitby photographer , Frank Meadow Sutcliffe , were in a car broken into in the resort earlier this week .
7 The autumn/ Christmas period is traditionally a busy time for gigs , and that should be the case again this year .
8 I 'll get the vet later this morning .
9 ‘ Who can help us without transferring their problems to us ? ’ von Kuenheim was quoted as saying in The Economist earlier this year .
10 But Bishop Duffy acknowleged that rejection of the government proposals would lead to legislation regularising the decision earlier this year of the Irish Supreme Court , which allowed a schoolgirl rape victim to have an abortion in Britain because of fears that she might commit suicide .
11 Their letter follows the decision earlier this month by the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , to reject a recommendation from a medical advisory group that a free NHS-funded in-vitro service be established in Scotland .
12 Because terms like highway hypnosis , DWA and DWAM have been used somewhat indiscriminately in the literature previously this thesis will reserve them exclusively for the hypothetical trance-like state which may be a precursor to motorway accidents and use Reason 's term ‘ time-gap experience ’ to refer to this second phenomenon .
13 The company has also been growing by acquisition , with the purchase earlier this year of the American pumpmaker Peabody Floway using £12m of its £46m cash .
14 The Rt Hon Denis Healey MP visited the University earlier this summer to unveil a portrait by Henry Mee of Lord Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe , OM , KCB , FRS .
15 Can my right hon. and learned Friend confirm reports in The Guardian earlier this year that the 12 local authorities with the worst record in English , mathematics and modern language results were all controlled by the Liberal Democrats or the Labour party ?
16 Chancellor Norman Lamont announced in the Budget earlier this month that the tax credit on dividends is to be reduced from 25pc to 20pc from April 6 .
17 Later Mr O'Malley came close to confirming that his party would quit the coalition later this week .
18 Bassetja is the name of the mare which carries the Maxwell hopes and those of the Ballee Racing Syndicate who sank their money into the investment earlier this year .
19 Everyone has been asking this questions since it was announced that Holiday '91 Presenter Anne Gregg will be leaving the programme later this month at her BBC bosses ' request .
20 Nobody is yet convinced that he really would be willing to raise interest rates if there were a prolonged run on the pound sometime this year .
21 Nova Scotia became the first province to break the compact earlier this year when it agreed to provide 16 infected individuals with a non-taxable $30,000 per year until they die , and to reimburse the cost of drugs , most of which are not covered by Medicare .
22 Millionaire computer tycoon Alan Sugar , a lifelong Spurs fan , bought a 48 per cent stake in the club earlier this year .
23 As I 've mentioned/bragged/gloated previously I know two of the leeds youth team who won the Youth FA Cup final against the scum earlier this year at ellamd rd ( And my first venture into Mt .
24 There are two small patches to the north of the city and looking at the plan again this morning there 's one small patch
25 According to the author , the princess 's lowest ebb came with the publication earlier this year of the so-called Dianagate tape — allegedly the recording of an intimate telephone conversation with her longtime friend James Gilbey .
26 According to the author , the Princess 's lowest ebb came with the publication earlier this year of the so-called Dianagate tape allegedly the recording of an intimate telephone conversation between the Princess and her long-time friend , James Gilbey .
27 It is true that we have had to continue to increase the amount of money that is paid by the Government — by the taxpayer — for restructuring the industry , but we will not reach the ceiling either this year or next year .
28 STEVEN SMITH 'S new rapport with the unpredictable Brook Street Picnic will be put to the test later this month , when he begins the tour of shows in Washington , New York and Toronto on the North American Fall Circuit , writes Genevieve Murphy .
29 Bosses of the other three major High Street banks will meet the chancellor individually this week .
30 I mean he has n't been in the shop once this week .
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