Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The response from Medau teachers has been good but we can still take a few more .
2 When visualized by confocal microscopy , the response in Xenopus oocytes had two phases .
3 ‘ We used to go down to the park on Sunday afternoons , taking the children down when they were very young .
4 The addition of Macintosh applications is also likely to make the IBM 's RISC System/6000 a likely upgrade path for Macintosh users looking for more powerful servers than Apple can offer .
5 Although the majority of UDF deputies abstained , about 20 voted in favour — the members of the Alternative Social Liberal Party , expelled from the UDF on Dec. 29 , and a group led by a former Defence Minister , Dimitur Ludzhev .
6 Third , a switch by car drivers to cycling , which is what we campaign for , would clearly benefit the majority of NFC employees by reducing car-induced congestion .
7 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport and this , as I mentioned , must ultimately benefit the majority of NFC employees .
8 By far the majority of Goblin tribes are partly nomadic .
9 Yet the Government has committed Britain merely to stabilise emissions by 2005 — well behind the majority of EC countries .
10 In the majority of EC countries lamb is regarded as a minority meat — something like veal , which in overall terms actually outsells it .
11 The majority of EC governments support Mr Delors in using the impulse of the moves to democracy in Eastern Europe , and the overwhelming backing for EMU shown at last weekend 's Strasbourg summit , to secure a bigger role for the parliament .
12 Now , twelve years later in the first province-wide ‘ beauty show ’ , the majority of Ulster unionists chose Ian Paisley as their spokesman .
13 The majority of Ulster voters supported the SDLP , if they were Catholics , or the unionist coalition , if they were Protestant .
14 Women , as the majority of NHS workers and users , will undoubtedly bear the brunt of the White Paper proposals .
15 Despite the hype over the release of political prisoners , reports of police misconduct do not inspire confidence in the majority of South Africans , or in those all-important foreign investors .
16 To do this , accepting that many visitors from across the world will probably attend the next World Cup , tempted also by the extraordinarily favourable rates of exchange and despite the problems which may still exist in the country , SARFU has to ensure that the majority of South Africans will have a chance to attend the games if rugby is to lose its elitist ‘ white ’ connotations .
17 Under apartheid , the majority of South Africans could do neither .
18 An in that case , now certain can the IRB be that admission to those World Cup matches will not only be freely available to , but will be as readily affordable , by the majority of South Africans , and not necessarily only the privileged few ?
19 Within a few years we will see the majority of UK companies having smoking policies . ’
20 The majority of UK models are ‘ demand-side ’ models in the sense that the evolution of the economy largely reflects the behaviour of aggregate demand .
21 base manager for WGOL who is also vice-chairman of the East Anglian branch of the Institute , commented : ‘ The agreement was reached because Trinity House was looking for a professional body to fill the void and the Institute has a good reputation and a presence in the majority of UK ports ’ .
22 the majority of UK managers are very bad at managing people , ’ continued .
23 The majority of UK householders fail to recycle any of their domestic waste — despite widespread belief in the virtue of recycling .
24 The protectionist attitude of the majority of EEC members has also prevailed , sadly , with respect to trade with the former eastern-bloc countries of Europe .
25 There is no doubt that the majority of Efta citizens , and at least some of their governments , are satisfied with these arrangements .
26 The majority of Hereford herds have already been changed by the import of foreign bulls and it would be impossible to turn the clock back .
27 Please remember , Mr Bence , that the majority of Athletico supporters are plain ordinary countryfolk , and to us , words and phrases such as ‘ perspicacious ’ and ‘ total player interface ’ have no meaning at all .
28 Wedgwood is at the forefront in new technology and colours so that all Johnson Brothers ' products and the majority of Wedgwood products sold in California meet these very strict standards .
29 I got the feeling that the majority of Leeds fans felt betrayed when Cantona left to join Man Utd ( ca n't get too enthused about the term Scum myself ) , I know I did .
30 First , the majority of Wirral users appeared to be much younger .
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