Example sentences of "the [adj] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The buildings were subsidized by charitable donations but required rent-income for their upkeep , and the problem remained that the poorest could not afford the rent necessary for adequate housing .
2 They were rarely situated in poorer districts , required a membership fee of up to £1 , which the poorest could not afford , and did not allow ‘ tick ’ or sales bacon , etc. ) which the poor were forced by low or uncertain incomes to buy .
3 But this will never be on the agenda , because it would require levels of social justice and redistribution that the rich will not consider . ’
4 This , of course , the Lebanese could not do .
5 Does Patrick Jenkin really believe that microelectronics holds any hope for the unemployed ( The unemployed can not blame automation , 24 February , p 526 ) ?
6 The unemployed can not blame automation ’
7 The arguments in Patrick Jenkin 's article ( ’ The unemployed can not blame automation ’ , 24 February , p 526 ) are identical to the way I saw things when first involved in computer-controlled machine tools over 20 years ago .
8 Does Patrick Jenkin ( The unemployed can not blame automation , 24 February , p 526 ) really believe that microelectronics holds any hope for the unemployed ?
9 Wherever you go nowadays , be it swimming , the pictures , fitness centres , or pop concerts they all appreciate that the unemployed can not afford to pay the full charge .
10 The unemployed can not wait for the recovery the Tories are waiting for .
11 It 's a ski race , is n't it , and the English ca n't ski !
12 The English ca n't win , Roald — they do n't understand snow , but we do .
13 The English could not make that final spurt , establish dominance and impose their demands for the marriage .
14 Such men depended upon success for support : for while du Guesclin might play upon his Breton origin to gather a force ( or route ) around him , the English could not do so with the same ease , and therefore came to rely upon their reputations to draw men to their service .
15 The English could not cross it leaving behind them unconquered French outposts , of which Orléans was one .
16 The challenge began last year when the Americans could not win here and the English could not win in America .
17 The Spanish could pay for such things out of their gold and silver ; the English could not afford such things , and ran fairly frugal colonial administrations , whose pay was often in arrears whether it was supposed to be paid by the English government , the colonial taxpayers , or the company which had a charter to operate in the region .
18 This is not to say that the English can not absorb or debate French or other foreign ideas .
19 ‘ They say that the English can not stay with their child or friend or family in the hospital .
20 It is perhaps just as well that the English can not understand Burns or they would probably also hijack him .
21 The British ca n't change their policy and negotiate with these terrorists , can they ?
22 Until the Sheffield incident , the MoD had abided by an agreement with Exocet 's French manufacturers that the British would not open up the missile 's guidance section .
23 There , many Europeans could hardly believe their ears with the excuses of why the British would not want to sign a European Charter on Environment and Health .
24 Before he left Persia in February 1921 , Ironside told Reza Khan that the British would not oppose his seizing power so long as the reigning Qajar Shah was not actually deposed .
25 But the idea came to nothing because the British would not cooperate .
26 Ultimately , the British could not win the battle for civil aviation after 1945 because their economic performance and uncompetitive aircraft industry were outclassed by the size and strength of the American competition .
27 While it recommended that the British should not enjoy even the hint of a veto in any form of consultative machinery , it did not think that Britain should be treated as a satellite .
28 The Irish urged the British Government to withdraw the UDR from operations in all sensitive areas in Northern Ireland , which the British will not concede .
29 Even the Commission acknowledges that 10 per cent of the EC 's annual budget — about £3 billion — is still being lost in fraud ; it is a point the British will not forbear to mention now that they are being asked to pay an extra £1 billion per year into EC coffers .
30 Something the West Germans or Uncle 's boys or the French could n't do .
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