Example sentences of "the [adj] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the multinational pulled out after deciding prospects were not good enough .
2 And the Dutch and the English put up with this for about fifteen seconds .
3 Until the English clamped down on the custom my forefathers all used the prefix ‘ ap ’ in front of their names — the last king of South Wales , for instance , was Rhys ap Tewdwr .
4 These pictures function as rituals of reassurance , demonstrating that when there was a job to be done , the British got down to it .
5 From their Edwardian dominance of golf and tennis , the British slipped back to the second rank .
6 Just to prove that the Slovenians do not have a monopoly on canoeing competition labels on alcoholic drinks , the French came up with this pleasant number .
7 Throughout its history , the Auld Alliance had worked best when French and Scots did not try to live together , and particularly when the French kept out of Scotland .
8 Two dusty fans , which I suspected had not moved since the French walked out in 1962 , hung idly from the high ceiling .
9 As they left the turn the French paddled off at a tangent and tried to run the Romanians into the landing pontoon in front of all the VIPs .
10 Some seven hundred miles east of Madagascar , Mauritius lay on the direct sea route to the Spice Islands , and was first settled by the Dutch until the French moved in during 1715 , leaving indelible traces in the form of place names , cuisine , architecture and language .
11 Their enterprising approach brought them profits ; the Hudson 's Bay Company got 10 beaverskins for a gun at its posts on the Bay , but to the Indians this was the final stage in a complicated pattern of inland trade , so that when the French travelled out to the central hunting areas they were able to save the Indians all the transport and trading costs and could get 30 beaverskins for a gun .
12 The outer stood up to everything I could throw at it until a wicked Gogarth chimney thrutch resulted in a nicked sleeve , while the fleece has resisted all but a hot cylinder from the Snowdon Railway !
13 The bowyer came out of the back of the shop , the bow case which he had been selecting in his hands .
14 The question was left open in Davies v Flackett [ 1973 ] RTR 8 , where the accused drove off without paying from a car park while a stranger held up the barrier .
15 A MURDER trial was adjourned last night after one of the accused broke down in the witness box as she said her fellow defendant had suggested using shovels to bury a woman alive .
16 The next morning , the 9.15 came out of the tunnel and the old gentleman put down his newspaper , ready to wave at the three children .
17 The first was an ace , the second opened up in court well enough for him to steam in and put away a brilliant backhand volley .
18 She held out her arms and tried desperately to grab at Jones 's reins , but three quarters of a ton of racehorse hit her head-on at nearly forty miles an hour and the three went down in a heap .
19 But , predictably enough , the three turned up with three moose and bargained them all aboard , one on each wing , the third across the fuselage .
20 A ministerial statement issued after the killings claimed that , on parking the car , the three moved off toward the Spanish border where they were challenged by the security forces .
21 The money would only go to you , Monks , as the older son , if the younger turned out to be as evil as you . ’
22 If they were watching for her , they would n't expect her to travel on the night boat from Liverpool , with a rough sea battering at the B & I ship , while the drunks and the seasick threw up in the smelly lounges .
23 Next day , Sunday , 12 March , the EXCLUSIVE screamed out in the News of the World .
24 The crisis of the 1970s turned out to be a crisis of the model itself rather than just another conjunctural swing within its confines .
25 Today he was able to achieve something not done since Henry the 8th fell out with the Pope .
26 In 1958 at the Club 's Golden Jubilee celebrations , Charles Luker recalled his early years when the rough lived up to its name and when after each game very golf club head was well rubbed down with emery cloth to prevent it rusting .
27 But early last year , when all three of the latter fell out of the running , Grachev 's way to the defence ministry was unopposed .
28 The latter lived up to their name with gusto by getting helplessly drunk , being in a celebratory mood because they 'd signed their lucrative CBS contract that very afternoon .
29 The latter came in to the same platform and so two trains were in the same section , in conflict with Rule B.
30 In 1248 Peter was in Simon 's retinue when the latter went out to Gascony as seneschal and thereafter there are numerous instances of the close connection between the two men .
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