Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What happened in the relay at the European Championships bears an important relationship to some of the friction , argument and unpleasantness that occurred , mostly between Frank Dick and me , over the following two years , so it is important to record an unbiased , respected outsider 's view of what actually took place .
2 Thirdly , the obligation to pay loan interest on the due dates creates an immediate debt between the company and the loan stock holder for which he can sue , whereas a preference dividend does not become a debt until it is declared and due .
3 Equilibrium can be maintained by balancing several forces about a fulcrum , such that the sum of the anticlockwise moments equals the sum of the clockwise moments .
4 Carbon dioxide generation for the Tertiary coals follows the same trend as that for the Palaeozoic coals , though the yield is only about half .
5 The 1980 Regulations provides the following exemption .
6 The contempt of urban , middle-class educators for rural peasants was barely concealed : ‘ the psychological attitude of the Iranian villagers creates a great obstacle to rural reconstruction ’ .
7 One of the preserved scenes depicts a Libyan , with tattooed loins and exposed genitals , wearing a long white cloak , about to cut the throat of a prostrate Egyptian .
8 At Cirencester each of the surviving panels displays a different motif : a pelta with hollowed centre and small , curvilinear , triangular inset ; a stylised lotus with four heart-shaped petals ; and a sixteen petalled rosette based on an eight petalled device .
9 Yet the fact that their competition did not reverse what all scholars agree to be a distinct , if modest , improvement in all but the environmental conditions of the working classes suggests the scale and impetus of economic expansion .
10 Thus whereas mastery of the instinctual drives builds the ego and raises its level of self-esteem and competence , its individuality and its initiative , external control of those drives has the opposite effect , reducing the self-esteem , competence , initiative and individuality of the ego to the point where it almost disappears altogether .
11 These are provided for convenience , but the designer can use the charts from any point , and the slope of the broken lines indicates the rate of deterioration to be expected .
12 While a survey of the published abstracts reveals a veritable potpourri of academic inquiry the general impression is of renewed interest in traditional art historical pursuits .
13 When it come to excitement-value , neither of the Top Yanks holds a candle to Finn 's Hotel ( Viking , June , £12.99 , 0 670 85067 5 ) , the ‘ lost novel ’ by James Joyce , allegedly completed some time between the writing of Ulysses and Finnegan 's Wake .
14 Chad was a northern Angle and undoubtedly orthodox in matters of the tonsure and the date of Easter , but his readiness to accept consecration from the British bishops reveals a continuing failure in Oswiu 's entourage to appreciate the importance of canonical rectitude .
15 The laid-back attitude of some of the French controllers takes a little getting used to , although it sometimes helps considerably .
16 Then inversion of the expressions so obtained for the transforms of the dependent variables gives the viscoelastic solution for these variables .
17 In the first kind ( which Friedmann found ) the universe is expanding sufficiently slowly that the gravitational attraction between the different galaxies causes the expansion to slow down and eventually to stop .
18 One of the old men indicates a seat for me .
19 Thus investment or additions to the capital stock will proceed up to the point at which the present value of the future profits equals the initial purchase price of new capital goods .
20 The core programme for the College-based modules requires the study of key managerial disciplines including Managing Resources , People , Operations , Markets , Information Skills , Strategic Change , Strategic Information and Strategy .
21 Each of the six bedrooms has a small panelled closet .
22 The quality or many of the individual objects makes the site of Sutton Hoo exceptional .
23 The distinction between the Japanese profiles highlights the very marked tendency to reward length of continuous employment in large firms and is closely related to their much higher rates of union membership .
24 The exercise described in the preceding paragraphs provides a basis for arriving at the funded establishment of nurses for each unit which will enable the recruitment and employment of the labour force .
25 Other elements are just naff : the mermaids look like crosses between Las Vegas showgirls and My Little Ponies , and the lair of the Lost Boys resembles a rejected set for Starlight Express .
26 The quotation is from the Roman poet Ovid ( Epistulae ex Ponto , 2.9.4718 ) and may be rendered " to have studied faithfully the liberal arts refines the character and forbids it to be uncouth " .
27 The integer declares what kind of information is on the next line , and the following lines gives a name or a numerical value .
28 Each of the following errors has a possible recovery action as shown .
29 Please note that the abbreviation ( BT , CE , JN , ME ) following the name of each Head of Department or Director on the following pages indicates the University campus ( Belfast , Coleraine , Jordanstown , Magee ) where they can be contacted .
30 When selecting the project for presentation to the approving authority , it is therefore important to bear in mind the following questions does the project fit with the company 's strategy and objectives ?
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