Example sentences of "the [adj] can [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 J K Galbraith calls this the culture of content , in which the comfortable can kid themselves that they owe nothing of their comfort to the state , to politics , or the exploitation of others .
2 Oxfam has launched its new autumn collection of clothes with the boast that the fashion-conscious can dress themselves for just twenty five pounds !
3 A disabled person 's employment register is kept at local offices of the division , and the disabled can register themselves and obtain the special attention of the disablement resettlement officer ( DRO ) .
4 Those retiring during the 1990s can count themselves lucky .
5 … that men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved , and who at the most can defend themselves if they are attacked ; they are , on the contrary , creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness .
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