Example sentences of "the [adj] of [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 I share the view expressed by the hon. Member for Birmingham , Selly Oak ( Mr. Beaumont-Dark ) : it does not matter whether those involved in fraud , the rip-off of investors of the misuse of pension funds belong to any political party , or to no political party .
2 I thought of the hundreds of others of us who said something like that once or twice a week .
3 That 's something the hundreds of supporters of the Milton Keynes Kings Ice Hockey team will be fervently hoping too .
4 They claimed that despite the hundreds of years of Polish independence , ‘ the East ’ owed what little civilisation it could muster to the efforts of the Germans .
5 She thought of Jonathan , but decided that she must have been too angry and hurt , because she could only manage to summon up the blurriest of images of him .
6 Will he consider the staffing levels needed to cost the billions of pounds of wholly uncosted pledges made by the Opposition day after day , week after week ?
7 Except in the shortest of particulars of claim , allegations should be divided into paragraphs and numbered consecutively .
8 The fertilized egg is a narrow bottleneck which , during embryonic development , widens out into the trillions of cells of an adult elephant .
9 Major concerns included the millions of pounds of benefits lost because of difficulties claiming pensions earned early on .
10 The American owned company is mothballing the plant and at the moment do n't have to repay the millions of pounds of grant aid its received .
11 The plant opened just three years ago and Conner has n't been asked to repay the millions of pounds of grant aid its received .
12 Even with this care , however , so great are the quantities of drift-net in use that the loss of some of the millions of kilometres of netting deployed each year is inevitable .
13 The fishermen come back with their holds empty ; the islands have neither birds nor guano ; it is said that the strength of the smell of the gases from the millions of tons of decaying fish is such that it can blacken the hull of a passing ship — a phenomenon known as the Callao Painter .
14 Unfortunately many of the millions of tonnes of maize pledged to Mozambique during the drought are only just arriving .
15 The first source of ‘ goodness ’ is to be found in the millions of years of evolution up to the time of the ‘ Dawn of Civilisation ’ .
16 Ice ages , tropical ages , spiritualized eras , wet , dry , hot , cold , high , low — all these and many other uncharted cycles , our Earth must have undergone , and will undergo , over the millions of years of its existence .
17 They survived the millions of years of trilobite dominance and eventually , when the trilobite dynasty came to an end , it was they who took over .
18 You can almost see the word ‘ this ’ underlined and highlighted with disgust — ‘ is this the reason for mankind and the millions of years of evolution necessary to produce it ? ’ , says the soldier .
19 Will not the millions of victims of crime feel that the 1979
20 The tragedy of the situation is that if the application succeeds , it will destroy the wildlife ‘ safe haven ’ he has created , as the existing lakes will be used as settling basins for the millions of gallons of water and sediment to be pumped from the proposed gravel pit .
21 Somervillians have never lacked energy , as was made clear by the first of ourJills of All Trades , Ruth Spalding .
22 Even in a legal system which had the narrowest of definitions of murder — say , premeditated intention to kill — there would still be an argument that some cases which fulfil that criterion should have their label reduced from murder to manslaughter because of extenuating circumstances .
23 The police have only the briefest of descriptions of the men .
24 This is the gentlest of expressions of authority , but it could scarcely be firmer ; and it fell on willing ears .
25 The overstretch of the regular army did not become a major political issue during the last of years of the Conservative Government ( then under Douglas Home , who succeeded Macmillan in October 1963 ) : it was a legacy left to Labour when they came to power in October 1964 .
26 But any attempts by frustrated British dancers to persuade their public otherwise are hardly helped by the growing profile of Russian performers at the Royal Ballet itself , the holy of holies of English ballet .
27 The dolphin is practically extinct in the Punjab , where only 60 to 70 are reported to survive in the thousands of kilometres of river which were until recent times the home of many more animals .
28 The thousands of tons of steel made real communication impossible .
29 than the thousands of tons of pressure
30 The thousands of tons of earth which were to be dug out of the meadow to make room for the foundations were to be piled up in nearby Merton playing field .
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