Example sentences of "the [adj] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I think so , I mean I , again I hope there are n't any Catholics in the audience who are offended by my remarks , but it 's just my personal opinion , that yeah , th th you know , th th that is the case and at the least I mean whatever judgment one makes about this thing , I , I repeat what I said earlier about you got ta be terribly careful when using the word natural .
2 For the more I yelled , the lower I made myself and the greater the sense of mastery and control the malais around me could enjoy .
3 On December the fourteenth I announced my provisional capping criteria .
4 A month later , just before he was about to set off on his journey ‘ into the interior by way of Namoi , Gould wrote to Sir John Franklin in Hobart of his progress so far : ‘ After spending a fortnight in the lowland brushes I proceeded to the upper districts and the Liverpool ranges whence I have just returned having made several discoveries of new species both of Birds and Quadrupeds , of the latter I believe I have two new kinds of Kangaroo . ’
5 I do n't think you 'll take very long on the twelves I think you 'll have that sorted out pretty quickly .
6 Well I must n't keep you talking because the more I , the more I keep you talking the less time you have to do it .
7 After a thrilling final-set victory , the 43-year-old architect said : ‘ I had a bit of luck to win the third set and after Ian took the fourth I thought I would lose . ’
8 But the more I have thought about those comments , the wiser I think he was .
9 Mr Johnstone said : ‘ The first I knew they were in Liverpool and on their way here .
10 The first I knew he was in Beirut was when he rang me . ’
11 D S S do n't help with the mortgage , at the first I think it 's ten weeks as well , but I think help with the mortgage at all .
12 And it will be eleven before the service is finished , so the earliest I think we should
13 Exactly the same I told you .
14 You can not expect a reference book to be quite as gripping as an adventure novel , but all the same I read it cover to cover .
15 I suppose it can be the same I think it 's just a bit more extreme like the characteristic he shows when he 's in female company like erm just like going over the top the way he acts
16 Erm and it shows it 's the twenty I think it 's the twenty second or twenty third I 've got it at home , er of October nineteen fourteen , this .
17 Well the longer I leave it the worse it 'll get .
18 But then as we played the 13th I thought it might just be down to Bernhard and Seve .
19 Erm and out of the two I mean there 's no doubt in my mind , that Lawrence should be the one to go .
20 But of the two I think there is more love on his side ; Mama is inclined to be cool .
21 The best I think we can say about our scheme is something that Brian Barry argues .
22 king Billy 's the best I think something like that
23 Okay , now the police force , the armed services are totally a different ball-game , because they get very good pay benefits , so it 's unlikely that we can help those sort of people , but , but of the normal , sort of type occupations , the best I think you gon na find , I think , is six months full salary , six months half .
24 Well I I say that that at the best I think it it 's just a question mark or a dash .
25 The last I saw they were all flying away . ’
26 ‘ Yes , Tel , it 's called murder and the last I heard it was certainly against the law .
27 The last I heard he was selling hair oil
28 The last I heard she 'd transferred her affections to some aspiring West End producer . ’
29 The last I heard she was fine , ’ Vitor said , reaching for his glass .
30 The last I heard you were still in Gloucester with the Empress Matilda , so , whether fitzAlan loves you also or has yet to lose interest in your pretty face and form , he will come for you .
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