Example sentences of "the [adj] thing was that " in BNC.

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1 The striking thing was that like the golden ball Mungo had found at the barrow , these were not of modern design .
2 The odd thing was that he considered life to be at its quietest in the midst of the most thunderous , ear-splitting waves .
3 The odd thing was that Carol felt quite safe on it .
4 The odd thing was that , after he had entered the paint shop , he had felt as if a heavy wave of sadness had suddenly been lifted from out of him .
5 But the odd thing was that it did n't fill me with the slightest sense of humility or feelings about the separateness and ‘ otherness ’ of nature , but with sheer , shouting joy at sharing that old world on a new morning with my wild Scots kinfolk .
6 She saw then that saying this had been unpardonable , but the odd thing was that he did pardon her , and laughed , and quietly fished some of the soggy pills out of the sink in case he fancied one later after all .
7 Rain said nothing , reflecting that the odd thing was that it had taken Sabine Jourdain so long to outgrow her need of that relationship .
8 The odd thing was that once on reciprocal we should have passed near the Koln area , with its attendant flak and searchlights , but not a sign .
9 And the navigator replied in his normal Brummie voice : " Oh no , he is in the aircraft over there , " and the odd thing was that the flak left us and clobbered an aircraft near us , It was the dead-ringer of God 's voice that unnerved me , I put a stop to this impersonation of the Lord and , sadly .
10 The strange thing was that he spoke to everybody with a different accent .
11 The strange thing was that he derived no real enjoyment from smoking .
12 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
13 The strange thing was that she knew it was Ernest 's bell , the bell she had tactfully told him would be unsuitable for the kind of school he had in mind .
14 He found himself struggling on his back with the stifling presence of the flag wrapped round him like a shroud ; the strange thing was that as he weakly continued to struggle ( for the staff lay across his legs , pinning him down , and the lanyards had somehow trussed his elbows to his sides ) , he recognized the sensation immediately : this was a nightmare he had had on the night they had taken refuge in the Residency , and repeatedly since then throughout the siege ; when the Collector , cursing , had at last fought his way out of the flag , it was such a relief to escape from his nightmare that he felt he did not mind so much about the sepoys .
15 He says : ‘ They were rare even in Binks ’ day , but the strange thing was that there was a tradition among the people who lived up there in those days to make a ball out of clay and cover it with spring gentians .
16 The awful thing was that all this time Lewis had never had any doubts he was himself the new owner of Wyvis Hall .
17 Ryan , his charm , his humour ; those impossibly blue eyes , the golden hair , the laughing handsome face ; and the awful thing was that , if he came back tomorrow , she did n't think she 'd be immune , despite all that he had done .
18 The awful thing was that , as I said it , I began to have serious doubts about it .
19 The ironical thing was that all the time , in a stack in Hilbert 's desk , secured by a rubber band , were fifty or so old postcards collected by Hilbert and Lilian presumably on early travels and among them were two of Greece , one of Mount Lycabettos and the other the very view Rufus had spoken of so scathingly .
20 The annoying thing was that the revolting youth had put his finger on a significant point .
21 The funny thing was that Uncle George had made no remark about the length of time she 'd been away .
22 The funny thing was that in a way the old fart was right .
23 The funny thing was that on the day of the theft a man who often used to come and see us , and was generally regarded as a friend of the house , had been and invited the entire family Zina , myself , and both our son and daughter somewhere miles out of town to go and have a barbecue .
24 The funny thing was that Lizzy seemed glad to be going .
25 Yeah but the the funny thing was that if we had n't
26 Well the funny thing was that er the local Labour party n did n't have did n't have a youth er a youth section .
27 The trouble was that neither of them was entirely certain he was right , and the funny thing was that people who were n't entirety certain they were right always argued much louder than other people , as if the main person they were trying to convince was themselves .
28 But the amazing thing was that , just after we 'd recorded our bit for the Gardeners ' World programmed , I spotted a couple of butterflies fluttering around the garden .
29 The second thing was that almost never did it matter since the whips ran the show .
30 The oddest thing was that he seemed to have no interest in Mandela at all .
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