Example sentences of "the [adj] day at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
2 They went ahead in the 30th minute when Tommy Gaynor skipped away from a couple of tackles and let fly from 25 yards : no sign of gratitude there for Eoin Hand , Huddersfield 's manager , who had helped along his fellow-Irishman 's career in the early days at Limerick .
3 The result is the single most comprehensive account of the early days at Dovercourt .
4 Brothers Peter and Dave Grundy from Willaston should rename their boat ‘ Mr Cool ’ after winning the first day and taking a major prize on the second day at Wexford Harbour .
5 However , a further rebel attack , in which several people were killed , took place the following day at Tonka in the Tombouctou region .
6 Despite being in extreme pain and feeling ill , he turned up the following day at rehearsals with long sleeves disguising his burns .
7 Further skirmishes will be held the following day at Highfields Park , University Boulevard .
8 The following day at Great Ormond Street , she had the four-hour operation to transplant the bone .
9 Significantly , on the following day at Smithfield , after the deaths of Sudbury and Hales , there seem to have been no further demands concerning ‘ traitors ’ , but further ones about social and legal status , that there should be no lordship apart from the King 's , that the Church should be disendowed and ( cryptically ) that there should be no law except that of Winchester ( 11 , pp.161–5 ) .
10 AT Brondby on June 30 Denmark ( 262 ) beat Wales ( 214 for 9 ) , but the Welshmen ( 227 for 8 ) turned the table the following day at Glostrup , defeating Denmark ( 223 for 8 ) by two wickets .
11 They meet England at Old Hill on July 21 , Scotland the following day at Walsall followed by Ireland at Wolverhampton on July 23 .
12 The following day at Murrayfield Racers was a different story as Devils out-shot ( 40 to 24 ) , out-thought and outplayed the Scots .
13 Linda recognised her from the previous day at school .
14 The ‘ Fury and the Spitfire has been to an airshow the previous day at Yeovilton , they had then flown to Humberside for another airshow and were on their way home .
15 Nextdoor are 10 year-olds who also spent the previous day at Home farm — looking at wildlife in hedgerows and a pond and checking for pollution .
16 Besides myself there were three other passengers , but they all disembarked at Rarotonga , and after that , for the three days at sea before we reached Koraloona , Robins and I were more or less on our own .
17 Richard Dunwoody , who suffered six falls over the three days at Aintree but ended as champion jockey , hopes to be back for Ascot on Wednesday , while Mark Pitman reportedly suffered no breaks in his final-race fall and has been allowed home .
18 He starts with the pioneering days at Brooklands and has taken care not to omit the Donington grands prix in 1937-38 where Germany 's Auto Unions and Mercedes were so dominant .
19 But we were discussing the results from the Environmental Day at St Edwards .
20 The wood floated for many weeks , through the many days at sea many things happened like the strange shape it had formed from being slashed off by the sea .
21 By the sixth day at Racedown , Coleridge had reached a settled opinion of his host : ‘ Wordsworth is a great man , ’ he wrote to John Prior Estlin in Bristol , a compliment which Wordsworth , half a lifetime later , repaid in subtly different terms when he described Coleridge as ‘ the most wonderful man I ever knew ’ .
22 The uncertainty of the fat child or the onset of puberty which can make swimming baths one of the first circles of hell for the adolescent , so vividly evoked by Kathryn Ensall 's ‘ Girls in Line at the Swimming Baths ’ ( 1988 ) , or the terrifying prospect of the first day at school captured by Shanti Panchal are all expressions of modern sensibility and above all , of childhood and adolescent anxiety , constructed out of an acute embarrassment with themselves and their situation .
23 That 's the first day at school
24 Opening the 1993 season , Lyles Golf Club started its third year with two competitions on the same day at Braehead Golf Club , Alloa , on 16th April .
25 Organisers of Wirral 's Initiative for Needy Children ( Winch ) are also lining up a celebrity spot-kick contest for the same day at Prenton Park .
26 ROBERTA Russell , 39 , and her daughter Lisa , 19 , each gave birth to a baby on the same day at Wolverhampton 's New Cross Hospital .
27 Opening the same day at Emmerich are the geometric abstractions of Robert Caracciolo , a painter based in New York and Rome who was motivated to make the almost seven-foot-square works in this show after becoming intensely involved with the poetry of the sixteenth-century Spanish mystic St John of the Cross and with a young Spanish theologian of similar bent .
28 We was on about rats the other day at work cos Jackie was saying on her way cos her husband works in ooh God !
29 Students can complete the 12-month credited building skills course for women in two parts — spending one day at Millfield for building skills , and the other day at Windsor Women 's Workshops , where they will concentrate on personal development .
30 Yeah , yeah they mentioned you the other day at Eddy just said to him you know ,
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