Example sentences of "the [noun] one [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The drunken voice of Officer Cecil informed him that he and his fellows were taking the calls one at a time .
2 The instructor should distribute Handout 13 , then go through the steps one at a time using the details in the text and asking the trainees to complete exercises where necessary .
3 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
4 But the upstairs one in the other one was was
5 He must balance the movements one against the other to give proportion and emphasis as well as dimension .
6 To go back to the Gdynia one on the ninth of October nineteen forty three , I have to state that when our crew arrived in England we went to er through school at Bovingdon for a couple of weeks then we were assigned to the Ninety Second Bomb Group and they wan na be sure we fit in .
7 between erm oh by the end of the war one in every three dwellings had been demolished .
8 Go to the toilet one at a time !
9 You must do the needles one at a time — no short cuts !
10 Webbed feet were not designed for mountaineering , but after a few weeks the ducks had devised a method of hopping up the stairs one at a time , eating every morsel of bread along the way , until finally they were actually in my bedroom .
11 Cold setting was carried out by selecting the characters one at a time and placing them in a compositor 's stick .
12 The Head of Department then went through the objectives one at a time and satisfied the Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) and the Director of Studies that , with different emphases , the objectives were all subsumed in the 3 criteria for the assessment of pupils ' work .
13 You can go through the points one at a time .
14 I thought we were getting her the one with the drawers one with a lockable cupboard is ,
15 Its a , during the course of the time of the crucifixion , Jesus is on the cross and its says there , there were two others also who were criminals , were being lead away to be put to death with Jesus and they came to the place called The Skull , there they crucified him and the criminals one on the right and the other on the left , but Jesus was saying father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing , and they cast locks divided up his garments among themselves and the people stood by and looking on and even the rulers was sneering at him excuse me , and even the rulers were sneering at him saying he saved others , let him save himself if this is the Christ of god , his chosen one , and the soldiers also mocked him , coming up to him offering sour wine and saying if your the king of the Jews save yourself now there was also an inscription above him , this is the kind of the Jews , and one of the criminals who was hanged there was hurling abut at him and saying you are not the Christ , save yourself and us , but the other answered and rebuking him said do you not even fear god , since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds , but this man has done nothing wrong and he was say , and he was saying Jesus remember me when you come in your kingdom , Jesus said to him truly I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise I wonder if you 've ever been in that awful position of facing of what you thought was certain death perhaps you were seriously ill and er , there seemed little hope of your recovery , perhaps you were facing some danger , some , some risk and it seemed almost certain that short of a miracle you were gon na die , I wonder what sort of thoughts would have been going through your mind , maybe w , may well be that you were with other people , I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking , what sort of things you would of been saying to them .
16 ( vi ) Touch the grids one at a time , to different regions of the surface of the spread .
17 Peel , halve and core them and place them in a saucepan … cover with the wine and a broken cinnamon stick and heat until barely simmering … wash the monkfish and pat dry with kitchen paper … just as the liquid begins to caramelise , add the lemon juice and stir vigorously … reduced to a quarter of its original volume … add the cubes one at a time … thread the piece of monkfish … reserving the liquid … baste the fruit continuously … intersperse with pears … hand the sauce separately …
18 If electrons are sent through the slits one at a time , one would expect each to pass through one slit or the other , and so behave just as if the slit it passed through were the only one there — giving a uniform distribution on the screen .
19 Ferocity is demonstrated , and the force of it received , through : ( a ) the ritual killing of a mythical , fierce and excellent hunter , ( b ) the ceremonial ( and actual ) rape of women , where a woman from each clan is chosen as object , and ( c ) a ceremonial pantomime of attack which opposes the moieties one to the other : one side in fierce , scowling stamping dance moves against a man of the opposite moiety who must not flinch , even if trampled ( Maybury-Lewis 1971 : 257 ) .
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